The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Off the Rack: The T.J.Maxx Clutch You Guys Went Ga-Ga For on Instagram and More

Sparkle is my favorite color clutch by Deux Lux

Usually when I'm shopping at new stores in different towns or cities, I find myself thinking "wow, this store is so much better than mine!" But this was not the case Sunday night when I checked out the T.J.Maxx in a northwest part of the state where we were spending the holidays: This store was barren. Of course, to be fair, this sad state of affairs was probably due to the fact that it was right after Christmas. I was hoping to find some goodies on clearance but there was nothing. Nada. I did, however, spot two large envelope clutches by Deux Lux with the phrase "Sparkle is my favorite color" for just $19.99 each. You guys LOVED it as evidenced by this Instagram post (407 likes and counting!) And because I never give up the hunt, I was able to spot a few more worthwhile fashions, from cozy sweaters to sparkly baubles. Most items were under $20, nothing over $50 (and that was for a Kate Spade Saturday laptop bag).

Scroll down for more pics...what did you guys shop for during After-Christmas sales?