The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Things We Love: Purple Passion for Fall

We typically avoid the color purple. When given the option, we almost always choose pink or red instead. This holds true for everything from Popsicles and bubble gum, to clothing and home decor. Not exactly sure why this is...perhaps one too many sour memories of a big purple PBS dinosaur from our past ::shudder::

Yet in the case of this purple jeweled backpack, we are absolutely in love with the royal color—which also happens to be one of this fall's hottest hues. It's high-glam attitude is punctuated by sparkling rhinestones and metallic gold trim. In short, fabulous.

Plus, it makes carrying the comfortable, though rarely chic, backpack entirely acceptable. Just keep the rest of your look to a minimum—in fact, we'd recommend wearing this purple gem with jeans and ballet flats. It's the perfect bag to carry all your essentials during the day and into the long night.

And, it won't tell you children to play nice.

Jeweled backpack from Victoria's Secret, $68
Oh dear budget babe, I normally love you so but must politely disagree on this one. Backpacks are sometimes okay in the right size and the right material, but this purple monstrosity is hideous.
#1 lulu on 2007-08-30 05:05 (Reply)
Maybe as a purse it'd be better? I'm just a huge anti-mini backpack person. I'm a fan of the color though, I think that in the right ways purple can be really very attractive- although I too must admit its a color I do not have a lot of
#2 Peaches (Homepage) on 2007-08-30 08:23 (Reply)
We may very well look back on this backpack and say, "WHAT WERE WE THINKING???"

But for today, we still love it! LOL :-)
#3 The Budget Babe on 2007-08-30 09:24 (Reply)
always loved purple. still do. i'm not a backpack person but i do have purple stuff, including nail polish.
#4 maggie z on 2007-08-30 09:42 (Reply)
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