The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Look for Less: Frye Harness Boots Part III

The Frye 'Harness 12R' Boot is one of the most popular styles from this legendary brand, so it's no wonder that we've seen a steady supply of knock-offs from lesser brands. The most popular look-for-less is arguably Target's Mossimo Supply Co. 'Katherine' Leather Engineer Boots ($49.99). I bought these last season and I love them although they take a while to break in because they're made from tough albeit real leather.

If you can afford the real deal, they should last you forever with proper care. The ones shown here are $218 at

Most recently, I noticed that Payless is carrying a Frye-inspired Harness boot: It's called the 'Savannah' Harness Boot by American Eagle and it's on sale for $38.99 at, marked down from $49.99. This is a great way to test drive the look, too, see if this boot works with your current wardrobe and lifestyle, then graduate to the real deal when you get your holiday bonus!

I swear Frye's comfort and durability
#1 yen (Homepage) on 2010-10-29 03:01 (Reply)
I have the Target version, snagged them on sale for $25 last year, but have yet to break them in. Anyone have any tips for speeding the process along?
#2 Sara R (Homepage) on 2010-10-29 09:36 (Reply)
I bought my fake Frye's at Kohl's 2 years ago, and now need a new pair. :^( But Payless boots are buy 1, get one half off! So I may have to stop and indulge my boot obsession.
#3 Danielle on 2010-10-29 11:19 (Reply)
I break in shoes much the way I used to break in pointe shoes when I danced. Wear them as you are doing other things like sitting at the computer or reading. While you are doing these activities, rotate your foot in small circles and flex your feet. I find this facilitates creating comfortable creases my boots (especially doc martens which take a little work).

I don't know if this works on faux leather but putting baseball glove conditioner on them and working them around with your hands also helps.
#4 sobriquet on 2010-10-29 13:18 (Reply)
Great tips! I will wear my boots for short trips and around the house to break them in. It's an extra incentive to exercise, too, walk around the block a couple times! I've also seen leather softener sold at some shoe stores but I've never tried it myself.
#5 The Budget Babe on 2010-10-29 15:34 (Reply)
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