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Off the Rack: September Shoe Highlights at Target

Finally, my Target has boots! I spotted the usual suspects: Tall slouch boots with a low heel that work well with dresses and skirts; black riding boots with elastic side panels that adjust to your calves; flat moto boots to pair with skinny jeans, suede shoeties for dressier occasions and work; the Steve Madden look-a-likes from last season. Actually, a lot of the styles looked like last season's offerings. That's why my favorites included some brown buckle-embellished flat boots (above) and some brown high-heel ankle boots - they offered a little something new. Browse more photos after the jump. Any favorites?

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usually not a fan of the boots target presents come fall, but this year i am stunned speechless as i am drooling over almost every pair. oh boot collection, meet some new family members...

#1 jessica (Homepage) on 2011-09-10 21:27 (Reply)
love them alllllll!!!
#2 Nicole @ Giraffelegs (Homepage) on 2011-09-10 21:32 (Reply)
Ankle boots are HIDEOUS. Please stop wearing them, women.

#3 Men on 2011-09-10 21:44 (Reply)
The first one is CUTE!!!! I haven't been to Target in a while. I might have to make a stop there soon.
#4 thisizkim on 2011-09-11 00:08 (Reply)

I was wondering if you were shopping at the NYC target and which one! I haven't seen these at all :-)

please let me know.
#5 herro (Homepage) on 2011-09-11 11:51 (Reply)
I went yesterday and was so underwhelmed by Target's fall shoe selection. I usually jump on several pair but not right now. Maybe next month?
This is probably a good thing since I really NEED no more shoes. :-)
#6 Kristin S (Homepage) on 2011-09-11 12:37 (Reply)
LOL at the "from Men" comment above. Ankle boots can work if you pull them off right (did anyone see Emily Blunt arriving for TIFF? She wore them amazingly well!)

But I love the camel knee-high ones; I have a pair just like them that I got at Target last season...maybe they're the same ones brought back? Love em either way!
#7 Anna @ The Guiltless Life (Homepage) on 2011-09-11 14:43 (Reply)
I love the ones with the buckles. So cute... better get down to Target soon!
#8 Everyday Mom Style (Homepage) on 2011-09-11 16:11 (Reply)
No, I took these photos at a store in Connecticut. Sorry!
#9 The Budget Babe on 2011-09-11 19:03 (Reply)
i like the first one and the oxfords. feel like the rest kind of seem like ones i've seen before.
#10 alyson (Homepage) on 2011-09-11 20:34 (Reply)
Dear Men,

Most of us dress to please ourselves, not you. We really don't care if you don't like our shoes. We frequently don't like anything you're wearing.
#11 Women on 2011-09-11 23:09 (Reply)
I just bought these:

I'm breaking them in at a Foo Fighters concert next weekend!
#12 Nikki F. on 2011-09-11 23:12 (Reply)
Um, I need every single pair. I'm so happy that fall is here so that I can start wearing boots!
#13 AP on 2011-09-12 14:48 (Reply)
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