The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Hunt for the Perfect Riding Boots

Ever since I purchased a pair of cheap-o riding boots at Target, I've become obsessed with these versatile, classic, equestrian chic shoes. With Winter clearance sales in full swing, I'm determined to pick up another pair - preferably in real leather this time - on mad discount. It's a look I know I will wear and love for many seasons to come...the trick is narrowing it down to that one perfect style. Here's what I've found so far - would love some help in the decision-making department (and I'm open to your great riding boot finds, too!):

[1] Steve Madden Riding boot, Orig. $139 Now $119
[2] St. John's Bay "June" Riding boot, Orig. $110.00 Now $49.99
[3] a.n.a "Amber" Leather Riding boot, Orig. $130.00 Now $59.99
[4] Asos Zip Back Flat Riding boot, Orig. $79.84 Now $63.87
[5] Bandolino "Jordana" Tall boot, Orig. $149.00 Now $69.28
[6] Jessica Simpson"Glennon" boot, Orig. $179.00 Now $69.99
[7] Aerosoles "Override" Riding boot, Orig. $180.00 Now $99.99

Styling ideas for Riding Boots, courtesy

I think the aerosoles are the best deal out of the bunch since it has the most classic styling - it will be a riding boot you can wear regardless of how much style changes. My second best would be the St. John's Bay. This one is a little more trendy, but still leans towards a more classic line.

Good luck with your decision!
#1 TexNYQueen on 2008-02-02 14:50 (Reply)
I have the a.n.a "Amber" boots. The entire back side of the boot is an elastic panel which ensures a snug fit around the calves but I really would prefer an upper made entirely of leather.

For my next purchase I'm looking at the MIA "Johnnie" and the Franco Sarto "Branzino". I think the back zip on the Branzino (similar to the Steve Maddens pictured above) is a nice touch.
#2 healthytext on 2008-02-06 12:19 (Reply)
So I ended up going with the Aerosoles 'Tint Cess' in brown leather:

Turns out the Aerosoles 'Over Ride' had an elastic panel, which wasn't the look I was going for.

Thanks for all your suggestions!
#3 The Budget Babe on 2008-02-12 23:25 (Reply)
Hey BB,
I have been trying to find riding boots for women whose calfs are a little thicker than 14" Any ideas?
#4 Tracy (Homepage) on 2008-04-02 16:31 (Reply)
Hi Tracy,

The Naturalizer "Sidney" is a gorgeous wide-calf leather riding boot, on sale for $89.99 at the aptly named shoe boutique,

Another great find are these Santana Canada "Deena" wide calf riding boots at for $94 - gorgeous!

Also, next season you might try Banana Republic or J.Crew - both offer wide calf boots.

Good luck in your search!
#5 The Budget Babe on 2008-04-03 10:18 (Reply)
Wow!!! Thanks so much Budget Babe :> I checked both of these out and have ordered the Sydney pair. I really appreciate you doing the work on this one. That is why I read this blog religiously!!!!
#6 Tracy (Homepage) on 2008-04-03 14:16 (Reply)
Anytime - glad I could play a small part in the purchase of a new pair of shoes :-)
#7 The Budget Babe on 2008-04-05 07:52 (Reply)
Hey BB,
I was in this Paris this spring and a bit during the middle of summer and decided my next pair of shoes must be a fabulous pair of riding boots. I have combed the internet for the perfect pair and come up short. I want them to be simple and flat and leather. I've found a few pairs but for the money I'm shelling out, I would prefer them to be exactly what I want. If you have any ideas please tell! I've checked everywhere one would think: nordstoms, neiman, bloomingdales, frye, naturizer, steve madden, stuart weitzman, zappos, urban outfitters, saks, barefoottess. I'm about to turn to international sites and the shipping plus exchange rate is going to make the cost insane. Please help!
#8 Molly Katherine on 2008-12-25 17:30 (Reply)
2 weeks ago I bought Aerosoles "Ride Line" in brown from the Winter 08 line. They're faux leather and it's actually the first pair of non-suede boots I've owned and I really like them. It's winter clearance time so I just ordered the "Tint Cess" boots in black, so I'll have both colors but slightly different styles. "Ride Line" is a little more riding-style than Tint Cess and a lot like the Over Ride in your list.
#9 KK on 2009-02-21 21:29 (Reply)
Thanks for sharing. I actually ended up buying the Tint Cess myself last season--and I love them! You can see them here:,-Three-More-Ways.html

#10 The Budget Babe on 2009-02-22 02:02 (Reply)
I have been dying for a pair of riding boots and I was hoping for something that was more of less like these:

Any suggestions?
#11 Maria on 2009-05-08 22:07 (Reply)
Check ebay or this new great site I just discovered:
#12 The Budget Babe on 2009-05-09 13:27 (Reply)
Wow! I like your blog, I always end up here. I have also been seeking the perfect boots. Thanks for the research!
#13 kara on 2009-11-10 13:05 (Reply)
I am looking for the perfect mid-length riding boot, much like the ones Angelina Jolie is wearing in this photo.

Does anyone know where I can find some boots like these? What brand? What site?

I would appreciate it. Thanks a ton in advance
#14 ris on 2009-11-16 04:37 (Reply)
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