The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

My Review, Plus An Exclusive Coupon Code for Readers

The lovely folks at recently reached out to offer me a free pair of their stylish glasses, and since I can always use a spare pair of specs, I agreed to give them a try. Keep reading for my review and an exclusive coupon code for BB readers!

My first impression of was really positive - the site design is clean, the styling is cool, and the selection of women's and men's glasses (and sunglasses) is nicely edited. I get overwhelmed when faced with too many choices, so I was relieved to find BonLook had done the legwork for me, narrowing down my choices to a handful of vintage-inspired yet totally fresh frames. also lets you try on frames with your webcam, a tool that actually works rather well! I got a good idea what the frames would look like on my face, huge plus when ordering frames online.

Since I'm a big Jenna Lyons fan, I settled on the Honeybadger in black, a unisex frame that's more chic than geek (at least I hope it is!).

Ordering is easy, so long as you have a valid prescription (you can ask your eye doctor) and know your Pupillary Distance. I didn't know my PD, so I measured it virtually using BonLook's PD measurement tool while placing my order.

The pricing is very budget-friendly, too, for the quality; all glasses are $99 plus free shippping and returns. I've had my glasses a few weeks now and they feel solid. The lense quality is good, frame quality is very nice (comparable to my Oliver Peoples which cost a small fortune), they're easy to clean and they correct my vision with precision. At first I noticed the slightest distortion in the corners of the lens but once my eyes adjusted, that went away. I think it's because I normally wear hard contacts or frameless glasses (like in the evenings or when I'm lazy).

Overall I was very pleased with my BonLook shopping experience and I think you'll love them, too. If you're in the market for some affordable prescription glasses or sunglasses, give them a go and use code BUDGETBABE15 to get $15 off your purchase at checkout. This coupon code expires 7/1/12 and is not applicable to items on sale.

Please note: I received my eyeglasses free of charge courtesy of BonLook for the purpose of this review.

That's odd. I paid shipping for my glasses and to return the pair that didn't work.
#1 Carrie on 2012-05-07 18:35 (Reply)
How on earth do you make those look so chic, ok I take it back you need to stop posting pictures of your self, you're making me jealous in all your gorgeousness.
#2 Megan, The Frugalista Diaries (Homepage) on 2012-05-07 23:29 (Reply)
warby parker is a good cheap alternative to this if anyone is wondering! also, WP gives one pair to a person in need whenever you buy glasses from them, I just got a pair of hipster glasses similar to yours from them and I love them!! but those also look great on you =)
#3 Elizabeth on 2012-05-08 13:06 (Reply)
I should have specified shipping is free for orders $99+ (which I assumed was all orders). Return shipping is free if you are exchanging your glasses.
#4 The Budget Babe on 2012-05-08 20:38 (Reply)
I've been meaning to check them out, all the cool bloggers wear WP (like Man Repeller). Didn't realize they were cheap, gotta give them a try now!
#5 The Budget Babe on 2012-05-08 20:40 (Reply)
I've ordered two pairs now (exchanged the first. got free shipping first time, paid return shipping and was billed for shipping for my new pair) and the lenses are seemingly very cheap. And I sprung and extra $20 for the higher quality lens. If you so much as slightly touch the lens, and try to wipe it off with a cloth, the entire glass becomes smeared and cloudy. This must be how they sell such cheap lenses. I have never had this problem with any other pair of glasses. And I'm mostly a contact wearer, I hardly wear mine.. but when I do I know they'll be foggy and cloudy to look out of.
#6 JJ on 2012-05-17 14:25 (Reply)
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