The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Look for Less: Zara Ankle Strap Platform Heels

Zara usually is the look for less, but not in this case! Zara's ankle-strap platform sandals are $69.90 at and come in black or mustard yellow. Style Scrapbook wore her pair with a pencil skirt and sporty pullover. Perfect.

The look for less? Payless! Their 'Jupiter' platform sandal is now on clearance for $12 and comes in black, fuchsia or tan. I picked up a pair of the pink ones yesterday and I love them. They're really fun and comfortable (as far as 5.5" heels go). Heels this high can start to look vampy real fast so I'd pair them with cuffed boyfriend jeans and a sequin top, rather than something like a mini skirt. Click the image below to shop!

are zara shoes comfortable?
#1 Liz (Homepage) on 2012-09-19 16:36 (Reply)
great question, i hope other people weigh in! I don't own any Zara shoes...
#2 The Budget Babe on 2012-09-19 16:57 (Reply)
Personally, I think it's a hit or miss. Some of the ones popularized by bloggers that look sooo cute were actually uncomfortable to me to wear. Even though the price point was relatively good, I didn't want to buy the shoes if I would only wear them once. BUT, other ones I own from Zara have been comfortable and I wear them often! =)
#3 nancy (Homepage) on 2012-09-19 17:31 (Reply)
So cute! These would probably work well for a lot of Halloween costumes too (they remind me of disco for some reason) and could still be worn afterwards. Looks like they have pretty good reviews too.
#4 Sara (Homepage) on 2012-09-19 21:28 (Reply)
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