The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Look for Less: J.Crew Factory Bubble Necklace

Thanks to an alert reader, I discovered J.Crew offers a version of their famous bubble necklace at their outlet store locations as well as online at This "Factory Resin Droplet Necklace" comes in tangerine, red, cobalt or neon pink for $61.50 (down from $88). It measure 23 3/4", so it's pretty big.

Now, Charlotte Russe has a "mini" bubble necklace option for $12.99 in tangerine, aqua or black. NOTE: This necklace only measures 14" so it's significantly smaller. But both are cute! Click either image for details.

great necklace
#1 Liz (Homepage) on 2012-10-15 18:04 (Reply)
I recommend, as a cheaper alternative, eBay. If you type in "bubble bib" or "bubble necklace" replica necklaces are available. I have four--they've held up very well. They take 2-3 weeks since they're shipped from China. Cost: $10-15
#2 Erin A on 2012-10-15 18:47 (Reply)
i can never decide if i want one or not..
#3 Megan, (Homepage) on 2012-10-15 21:54 (Reply)
I am in the same boat. I have almost bought one several times. By the time I finally pull the trigger they will be out of style :-)
#4 Sara (Homepage) on 2012-10-15 22:02 (Reply)
You could get these necklaces for around 20.00 on - just type in bib or bubble necklace. I think these were trendy over the summer but have phased out. Either way, buying them from Etsy supports local business owners vs. ebay.
#5 maureen on 2012-10-16 08:33 (Reply)
Love the bubble necklace! I too like Etsy for them especially since if you contact the shop owner you can usually get a nice custom colored piece.
#6 Ashley (Homepage) on 2012-10-16 10:20 (Reply)
If anyone's wondering which specific ebay or etsy sellers to contact, there's some great feedback from readers on this post too:

#7 The Budget Babe on 2012-10-16 10:48 (Reply)
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