The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Look for Less: Moncler Belted Down Coat

Moncler's luxe belted down puffer coat is a whopping $1,295 at

Get the look for less with this gorgeous oxblood puffer coat by Mossimo, just $55 at I tried this coat on in person yesterday and loved it (see my Instagram profile for a pic).

The size small fit perfectly over a chunky sweater, and the sleeves are actually long enough for us taller girls! This coat looks more expensive than it is. I can't vouch for the warmth factor but I think it would be fine for temps above 30F (maybe even chillier depending on your comfort level). Also available in blue, gray or black.
Oh that's funny, because it looks like Mossimo copied the version of this coat that Converse One Star had last year! Hopefully Mossimo improved upon the belt, because I remember that had many complaints about the belt not fastening properly on the Converse one.
#1 Target-Addict (Homepage) on 2012-12-04 09:40 (Reply)
@Target-Addict - Wouldn't be the first time! The belt seemed solid but of course it's tough to tell....
#2 The Budget Babe on 2012-12-04 11:57 (Reply)
I ordered this coat in grey and it just came in the mail today. I LOVE it so much!! It looks way more expensive than it is and is very flattering even though I'm petite and curvy :-)
#3 Laurie on 2012-12-04 18:03 (Reply)
@Laurie - So glad you love this coat as much as I do!
#4 The Budget Babe on 2012-12-04 18:11 (Reply)
I absolutely love your blog and I'm so glad I found you on Instagram & Pinterest too!
#5 Laurie McMahon on 2012-12-05 09:20 (Reply)
@Laurie - Thank you.
#6 The Budget Babe on 2012-12-05 09:58 (Reply)
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