The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

On the Go with My HP ENVY x2

HP Envy x2

As much as I enjoy working from home, sometimes I need to get out of the house and go work somewhere that's noisy and bustling with the energy of other people. Since teaming up with HP as a blogger ambassador, I've been toting along my HP ENVY x2, a sleek and ultra-thin tablet/laptop hybrid that's perfect for working on the go. I can easily check emails and draft blog posts in the laptop mode, then switch to the tablet when I need to do research (or free up some table space for lunch - equally important!) On the go or in my home office, the HP ENVY x2 helps me get work done without missing a beat.

HP Envy x2

The HP ENVY x2 gives you the best of both worlds: A tablet and laptop in one device.

HP Envy x2

Gratuitous food shot (fresh Thai spring rolls, yum!)

HP Envy x2

What I'm Wearing: ASOS striped maternity top, Old Navy coat (sold out), JewelIQ "ivory treasure" necklace

This post is sponsored by HP and Style Coalition.
Hi Dianna ~ Here's a recipe for scalloped potatoes that I used yesterday with my ham and baked fresh-caught alaska salmon. ( do live in the Pac. Northwest, after all). It is: Arrange layers of thinly sliced or corsely grated raw potatoes in greased baking disdh. Sprinkle each layer with salt, papper, mincd onion or desired seasonings' dot with butter. Pour HOT milk over, 1/2 to 3/4" from top of potatoes. Bake uncovered in mod. over (350 degrees) about 1 l/4 hrl., or until tender. I used 3 large Idaho bakers for 5-6 people and baked 1 l/2 hrs. By the way, this recipe is from the second editionof Betty Crocker cookbook circa 1956! Enjoy!
#1 margot on 2013-04-01 17:36 (Reply)
Thank you so much! I can't wait to try this.

p.s. VERY jealous about that fresh caught salmon, wow!
#2 The Budget Babe on 2013-04-01 17:39 (Reply)
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