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BBC Launches Online Ethical Fashion Magazine "Thread"

From the BBC Pressroom: "As ethical fashion promises to be the next big thing, the BBC has today launched Thread – a new online magazine for fashion conscious people who care about where their clothes come from.

"Thread will cut to the heart of what 'ethical fashion' means, covering a range of issues from the environmental footprint of clothing manufacture, to the impact of the fashion industry on human and animal rights and why the choices we make as clothes shoppers make a real difference.

"First and foremost Thread is dedicated to showcasing the latest in eco-fabulous style. The magazine shows you how to get the look you want in an eco-glam way through a unique mix of affordable fashion, exclusive celebrity videos and interviews, photo galleries and thought-provoking features.

"It will also offer ideas and information on how to give your wardrobe an ethical makeover through a mix of shopping for new or vintage clothes, to swapping clothes with friends and customising existing clothes. Thread is proof that there are ethical options to suit your style, your budget and your views."

I'm bookmarking the site, even though I suspect Thread will have things to tell me that I won't necessarily want to hear. But when you know better, you do better. So bring on the big issues, Thread! We're listening...

>> Visit Thread

Love this! I love the BBC, listen to the news via BBC radio daily- and am excited about this! They are a major player in the new media and people will take notice of their emphasis on doing whats right, and hopefully more and more people will follow suit!
#1 Peaches on 2008-04-23 10:12 (Reply)
I'm very happy to see that ethics are being considered in the world of fashion. being in the fashion Industry from a jewelry perspective I don't have much to worry about from a ethics standpoint(no animal testing), but I'm happy that the mind is in use by many and not just the wallet.
#2 Glamourandcompany (Homepage) on 2008-05-24 07:41 (Reply)
#3 claudia (Homepage) on 2008-11-10 12:43 (Reply)
Just found this and it is very informative however I'm sad to see that it's no longer being updated. We need to see more regular reporting on ethical fashion.
#4 Claire (Homepage) on 2009-09-08 06:37 (Reply)
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