The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Off the Rack: September Shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

'Tis the season for fall shoe shopping, and my local T.J.Maxx store has me wanting all sorts of new styles that I don't really need…or do I? I saw all the latest "trends" as it were, from moto boots to combat boots to buckle-embellished to tall two-tone riding boots. There were also edgy ankle strap heels and pointy toe pumps, including some convincing Valentino "Rockstud" knockoffs by Rampage (keep scrolling for the photo). Not a bad option if you love the look! I didn't buy anything on this trip because I had my son in tow and he was all "hurry up, mom!" Just kidding, he can't talk - yet.

Oh! And I nearly ran into another shopper with my stroller when I spotted an entire rack full of Rebecca Minkoff bags (scroll down for the photo), I kid you not! Everyone always asks me where I live and what store I shop at, and while I'd rather not say (I'm paranoid like that, must be a generational thing - not having grown up with the internet and all), I will say that I do not live in an upscale area. I'm in Connecticut about two hours from New York City. So I think my store just gets lucky!

Have you been to T.J.Maxx this season? Scoop up anything fab?
Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Fall shoes at T.J.Maxx

Tons of Rebecca Minkoff at T.J.Maxx!

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That is definitely the spot for fall boots!
Will have to make a stop there this weekend!
#1 Leslie (Homepage) on 2013-09-27 16:27 (Reply)
I've also spotted some great things at TJ Maxx lately! I especially have been loving their shoe many gems!
#2 Shira (Homepage) on 2013-09-27 22:32 (Reply)
I just picked up my first Rebecca Minkoff bag, a Cupid in soft grey, at my local TJ Maxx and I love it! I've been seeing quite a few RM bags at TJ Maxx lately, and I even spotted a Balenciaga at a location with a Runway section.
#3 Sabrina on 2013-09-28 03:53 (Reply)
What is the brand of the black patent peeptoe booties?
#4 Zhanna on 2013-09-28 10:20 (Reply)
my store has at least 25 minkoff bags, I bought the emerald mac for $99, but later returned it...I was meh.
#5 megan, (Homepage) on 2013-09-28 19:32 (Reply)
I love TJ Maxx!!! It is defiantly one of my favorite stores. Have you been to one that has 'off the runway' I love that dept. with in the store. You found some great finds, it makes me want to go visit my nearest Tj Maxx right now. :-)

#6 Nicole Cushing (Homepage) on 2013-09-29 14:39 (Reply)
I am so tempted to run to my nearest TJ Maxx!
#7 Kim on 2013-09-29 23:03 (Reply)
Anybody know what brand the patent peep toe booties above are? I'm dying to find them!
#8 Zhanna on 2013-09-29 23:17 (Reply)
I think they're Jessica Simpson but not 100% sure.
#9 The Budget Babe on 2013-09-30 09:10 (Reply)
not since i was in boston, need to find a runway near me!
#10 The Budget Babe on 2013-09-30 09:11 (Reply)
Ooh...I want to scream and shout! so many great options :-))
#11 just zenning (Homepage) on 2013-10-02 08:41 (Reply)
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