The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Off the Rack: T.J. Maxx March Highlights Under $30

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

Earlier this week I paid a visit to T.J. Maxx to scope out the spring trends for you guys (not for myself, sadly, because it's still polar-vortexing in Connecticut). I saw lots of things to look forward to, from colorful print dresses (daisies are everywhere) to ankle strap flats and shiny statement necklaces. There were also lots of wear now and later pieces like embellished sweatshirts and boots with cut-outs. Kate Spade Saturday appeared to be new on the scene - I spotted some delicate jewelry and a striped canvas tote bag by the designer brand. So what did I buy? A Lamaze book for $0.70, some Munchkin outlet covers, Method hand soap, a gold chevron stripe notebook, a Green Toys submarine and lentil chips. Nothing too exciting but at least I saved a few dollars on things I needed anyways.

Keep reading for more photos of fashion finds I loved under $30 (except for the designer handbags towards the bottom, those are just to tease you).
T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

TJ Maxx highlights

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

Designer bags (NOT under $30) by Rebecca Minkoff, Michael Kors, and Christopher Kon...

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

T.J. Maxx fashions under $30

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Great post
#1 Liz (Homepage) on 2014-03-06 15:18 (Reply)
I love tj maxx and marshalls, they always have stuff that is very on trend and i can buy more than 1 thing at a time! my local tj maxx just started carrying Rag & Bone which i was very excited about!
#2 Lauren (Homepage) on 2014-03-06 15:19 (Reply)
I am so grateful for this and the Target post this week! Aside from a CVS I have been cooped up with sick kiddos this week and these posts were a welcome reprieve!
#3 Erin G on 2014-03-06 19:15 (Reply)
Clearly, I need to get myself to TJ Maxx. Also, we have that Green Toys submarine, and our peanut is a big fan. :-)
#4 Mrs. Kinne on 2014-03-06 20:22 (Reply)
Being sick takes on a whole new meaning when you have kids as I've recently learned! Hope you feel better soon!
#5 The Budget Babe on 2014-03-06 22:08 (Reply)
I really like this information so much.You have done a great effort here .
#6 jayben (Homepage) on 2014-03-07 01:47 (Reply)
Really love the olive vest, printed flats, and all that statement jewelry!
#7 Kristin (Homepage) on 2014-03-07 09:38 (Reply)
Love the jewelry and the chevron print notebook!
#8 Courtney (Homepage) on 2014-03-08 11:39 (Reply)
I love those first two dresses and of course when I went to check our TJ Maxx they didn't have either. :-(
#9 Peggy M on 2014-03-08 12:51 (Reply)
Bummer :-( Not sure if this will help but I saw these in the Misses/Juniors department in case you continue the hunt.
#10 The Budget Babe on 2014-03-09 22:14 (Reply)
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