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Dollar Bin Diaries: Early May Highlights at Target

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Oh, Target, I can't seem to walk in your doors without a quick stop in the dollar aisle! And now that I have a little tot, I have a feeling I'll be spending way more time and money in your hallowed bins. Today I picked up a sand bucket and shovel, squishy caterpillar toy and a bubble gun for my little man, who just recently started WALKING (gasp) and who naps Benjamin-Franklin style in brief 15-20 minute spurts (which is why you may notice a lull in my blog posts from time-to-time). Anyways, you guys told me the dollar bins were great for moms, and I can already see it becoming our go-to spot for craft supplies and rainy day toys and so much more! Aside from kiddie stuff, I bought some gingham paper plates and white storage bins. I also spotted some lovely new stationary, herb growing kits, glitter tubes, and outdoor entertaining gear. Click through to see some of the highlights I'm loving right now...
Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

Goodies in the Target dollar bin aisle

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The dollar bin gets me every time! I think I NEED those pails! Adorable!
#1 Katie (Homepage) on 2014-05-09 08:50 (Reply)
I've never looked through the dollar area at target though I go to Target way more often than I should. I always thought it was mostly kids stuff, but after seeing those paper plates I will be adding that area to my normal rounds!
#2 Cat on 2014-05-09 09:07 (Reply)
I purchased every roll of glitter tape that my Target had a few weeks ago (there were only 3). It's perfect for sealing up card envelopes to give them some extra sparkle!
#3 Erika Bennett (Homepage) on 2014-05-09 10:08 (Reply)
I also spend way too much time at the Target dollar bins and I must have those flamingo stirrers, too cute!

#4 Tracy (Homepage) on 2014-05-09 11:43 (Reply)
I love the beach bags! How big are they? It's hard to tell from the photo. I made the mistake of walking by the Dollar Bins last time I was in Target--oops!
#5 Gwyn on 2014-05-09 12:40 (Reply)
I love the Target discount bins! That's where I do the majority of my holiday decorations shopping!

Style by Joules
#6 Joules (Homepage) on 2014-05-09 12:41 (Reply)
They're on the smaller side - it's funny you should ask because when I posted the photo I thought, hmm, these look larger in the photo than real life. Maybe 12" tall excluding the straps? But very cute!
#7 The Budget Babe on 2014-05-09 18:45 (Reply)
Sigh...I went to Target today and avoided the dollar bins (on purpose) but all of this stuff is so cute that I may just have to go back!!!
#8 Brittany (Homepage) on 2014-05-10 11:19 (Reply)
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