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Sarah Jessica Parker Seeks New Home for Bitten

With the demise of Steve & Barry's as we know it, Sarah Jessica Parker is reportedly looking for a new retail partner to house Bitten, her bargain fashion line. (via The Cut) If I may offer a few suggestions to Mrs. Parker, ehem, I think someplace like Kohl's would be a good fit for Bitten. Kohl's could definitely use one more draw in addition to the Simply Vera by Vera Wang collection, which seems to be doing fairly well. Another potential candidate would have to be Wal-Mart, and I say that only after witnessing the swell job they've done for Norma Kamali. JCPenney's got Charlotte Ronson coming in the spring, so that's another good candidate, but then I'd have to drive out of my way to shop at the janky mall where my nearest Penney's is located. Sadly, I don't see Target or H&M as realistic options judging by the nature of their current designer collaborations.

Where do you think Bitten should make its new home?

Great suggestions! We were thinking that Wal-Mart or Sears were the best option at the Bitten price point, but I think Kohl's is viable, too. I am glad she is committed to keeping it afloat - there isn't much like it at her price point. I like her desire to bring cute clothes to people on a restricted budget.
#1 Barchbo on 2008-12-02 09:14 (Reply)
I really like some of the things from bitten. the jeans fit me great. i think she'd be better off going to walmart that way i could shop her collection online!
#2 Ashley on 2008-12-02 09:33 (Reply)
I agree Kohl's would be great!! Wal-Mart also did great with the LEI brand and Taylor Swift. You can't beat a pair of $20.00 jeans that are cute too!!

I like Bitten, I don't love it, but with a little tweaking it would be great!! Maybe I just expect more out of the former Carrie Bradshaw ;-). lol!!

Seriously though, I hope it goes somewhere that alot of people will have access to it.
#3 Nicole on 2008-12-02 09:51 (Reply)
Hey lady, I love the new design!!

I think a natural fit for my fashion idol Mrs. SJP is Old Navy. She had a good ad campaign with Gap a few years ago and I'm sure there is still a relationship there and Old Navy at this point needs all the help it can get! She would be the "only resident" designer there!
#4 budget chic on 2008-12-02 10:55 (Reply)
I think Kohl's too!
#5 Real Style Real people (Homepage) on 2008-12-02 10:56 (Reply)
I think she should let it go. Shes not a designer, just an actress that wore beautiful clothes enough for people to think she was actually responsible for her look (pa-lease)

The Bitten line was a joke. Why switch it to another store? They probably already sell the same pieces in a different celebrity line, since all the designs and fabric seem to just come from the same sweat shop.

Doesn't anyone remember the blatant copies between the Bitten Line and that other line by that other girl "designer" (Amanda Bynes)?

Just give us all a break and let people that actually have skills with fashion and design create instead of constantly thinking consumers will just eat up anything with a celeb on it.
#6 Peaches on 2008-12-02 11:17 (Reply)
Now that you mentioned it, i think WalMart would be a good place for Bitten... :-)
#7 An (Homepage) on 2008-12-02 11:46 (Reply)
I think Bitten could succeed at a Kohl's...IF they upped the craftsmanship and got the sizing standardized. Design is only one component of a piece of clothing...if the construction is wonky or crappy, it's not worth the money!
#8 Erin on 2008-12-02 12:45 (Reply)
I agree with you: Kohl's would be a perfect fit.
#9 Sal (Homepage) on 2008-12-02 14:49 (Reply)
I think that, no matter which discount chain houses the line, there's no way the Steve and Barry's price points will be following along with it. That brings a new issue to the line: are people going to be just as attracted to it when it's prices are more on par with other celebrity budget lines? SJP might have to revitalize her line in more ways than one if she wants it to succeed in a new home...
#10 Gillian on 2008-12-02 21:28 (Reply)
i think Kohs is a perfect spot
#11 gina (Homepage) on 2008-12-05 09:47 (Reply)
At this price point I would say Kmart. They have a new clothes line Piper & Blue that reminds me of this style and they can pull off the price. Walmart is too cheap. And Kohls has designers much more expensive.
#12 Gina (Homepage) on 2009-01-22 18:18 (Reply)
i AGREE with you,,or she could open her own boutique and sell her perfume at the same time.
#13 tiffany on 2009-12-06 05:59 (Reply)
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