The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Save Time and Money with Shoptagr Sale Alerts

Shoptagr sale alerts tell you when fashions you love go on sale - in your size and preferred color!

There's a new tool available to us Budget Babes that will ensure we never miss another sale: It's called Shoptagr, and it's a free and easy way to find out when items you love go on sale in your preferred size and color.

Here's how it works: With a couple clicks, install the FREE Shoptagr bookmarklet tool (kinda like the Pinterest Pin It tool). Then, whenever you're shopping online and find something you love but would really, really love if it was on sale, click the Shoptagr button in your browser and save the item to your account. When the item goes on sale, Shoptagr will notify you via email. That's it!