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Trend Alert: Evil Eye Accessories


While this isn't a new trend, a recent trip to Manhattan reminded me of the increasing popularity of evil eye charms and jewelry. They seemed to be everywhere, from single charms on the wrists of polished uptown girls, to stacks of bracelets made with evil eye beads on downtown artist-types. The significance of the evil eye is that it's said to ward off evil. I remember seeing baskets full of these small, inexpensive glass trinkets at roadside stands and The Grand Bazaar when I visited Turkey years ago. In rural towns, locals would gaze into my eyes and tell me that I brought them good luck (apparently because I have blue eyes). I'm not superstitious but I kinda like this trend and a part of me finds comfort in wearing good luck charms. I picked up a pack of evil eye beads at Michael's the other day for $2.99 to make bracelets. Click any image to get details on these evil eye accessories I found online.

Kitson at ShopStyle


Minka's Hamsa Charm Bracelet, $24.95 at (also available in red/silver, black/gold, black/silver, or turquoise/gold)

Evil eye bracelet (comes in various colors) by Toosis Silver Jewelry Design, $9.90 at

Wow, I totally have the light green version of the Minka's charm bracelet. But actually I really like the one I wear nowadays, which is from Intuition. It's a heart + peace bracelet (red) with a single evil eye charm on the side. Really cute :-)
#1 Celeste (Homepage) on 2009-04-03 17:36 (Reply) is a fabulous online boutique, specializing in evil eye jewelery and accessories. Check us out.....

Have something in mind you can't find, no problem we can customize anything for you! Email us at [email protected]

"Bringing a modern touch to an ancient tradition".

Love the blog!
#2 Tina D. (Homepage) on 2009-04-03 21:54 (Reply)
I'm from the middle east and these are a staple in many women's accessories. They sell hundreds of styles ranging in price. I love them, and everytime I visit I make sure to pick a new style up. I LOVE the red chain necklace you have posted!! :-)
#3 DY on 2009-04-04 07:53 (Reply)
A few years ago, my aunt got me a multicolored bead bracelet with these from Greece, and I love it! Such an interesting and cool pattern.
#4 Anusha (Homepage) on 2009-04-05 11:21 (Reply)
As a trypophobe... these items freaked me OUT! LOL!

They are all marvelous though, especially the scarf (can't get enough of them).

I hope when I hit submit, the screen doesn't show me those pictures anymore (shiver). LMAO!
#5 Maglet (Homepage) on 2009-04-05 16:39 (Reply)
Freaky! I think I'll pass on this one, those eyes feel like they're staring at me!
#6 MizzJ (Homepage) on 2009-04-05 21:04 (Reply)
Thank you for including one of my designs to your gorgeous blog. I love using evil eye glay beads in my designs with silver and gold. You can check out for more at my etsy store...
#7 toosis (Homepage) on 2009-04-17 07:46 (Reply)
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