The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Great Women of Style: Remembering Lady Bird Johnson

Lady Bird Johnson, the first lady who championed beautification, passed away at 94. Born Claudia Alta Taylor in Texas on Dec. 22, 1912, Lady Bird received her nickname as a child from a nurse who thought she was as "purty as a lady bird.”

Lady Bird was a pioneer in defining the modern role of the first lady. Though she wasn't known for wearing designer clothing as did her predecessor (Jacqueline Kennedy), Lady Bird nonetheless epitomized style and grace. We think her commitment to conservation, her husband and her country make her an inspiration and role model for us all.
not to mention the fact that she was a very successful businesswoman who bankrolled lbj's first congressional campaign.

jackie kennedy was a tough act to follow as first lady, but lady bird always showed class and grace. she's a very good role model.
#1 maggie z on 2007-07-12 08:14 (Reply)
Yes, glad you mentioned that! Speaking of successful businesswomen, we wanted to also pay tribute to designer Liz Claiborne, who passed away at the end of June. She defied the male-dominated ranks of the fashion industry and started her own HUGELY successful company which owns over 40 brands today--we're talking Juicy Couture, Kate Space, Laundry by Shelli Segal, Lucky Brand Jeans--just a crazy ton of influential names in the fashion world. Liz, we salute you!
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2007-07-12 14:15 (Reply)
i started wearing Liz Claiborne in the late 70's at a time when women's work clothing was limited to suits. she introduced an entire new concept in dressing for working women, and her clothes were reasonably priced. her themed sportswear collections were a lot of fun to wear. the company's designs slipped lately but now they have regrouped and the recent collections go back to the original concepts.
glad you brought her up.
#1.1.1 maggie z on 2007-07-12 14:48 (Reply)
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