The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Today Only: Hunter Original Boots Just $49.95 at!

The Deal: Monday 6/1 ONLY: Stylish Hunter Original Boot now only $49.95!

Why You Need It: I have been wearing my Hunter boots all spring and LOVE them! They are so chic and keep my feet comfy and dry. I can feel stylish even when I'm walking my dog or trekking around in the rain, and where I live, it rains a lot. Now's your chance to get your own pair (I'm considering buying a second) for the lowest prices anywhere online! Hurry, supplies are limited!! (Can you tell I'm excited?!)

Hunter Festival Tall Boots, Reg. $145.00 Now $49.95 (that's 66% off!)

i must say, my hunters absolutely help get me through winter. anytime it's rainy and gross out, it's so fun to put on some thick socks and bright boots!
#1 Cupcakes and Cashmere (Homepage) on 2009-06-01 14:02 (Reply)
I have the pair pictured and I love them! I get tons of compliments on them too!
#2 Crystal (Homepage) on 2009-06-01 15:17 (Reply)
i might just have to order these! i treated myself to the boot from the jimmy choo/hunter collab BUT these are too good of a price to pass up!
#3 couture on 2009-06-01 15:28 (Reply)
okay, totally gave in. bought the "dolphin" color! :-D
#3.1 couture on 2009-06-01 15:57 (Reply)
What a great deal! I'm so bummed out cuz they only have dolphin color for the original hunter boots. I really wanted them in classic green :X
#4 Julia on 2009-06-01 21:20 (Reply)
I wish 6PM shipped to Canada - I notice that it's pretty much the same store as and they do. Maybe I'll luck out!
#5 Wanderlust (Homepage) on 2009-06-01 22:21 (Reply)
6pm is owned and operated by Zappos -- does Zappos ship to Canada...?
#5.1 The Budget Babe on 2009-06-02 09:15 (Reply)
I'm thinking of selling my US size 6 olive green Festival Tall boots since they seem to be too big for me. I just bought the Original Hunter boots in a smaller size. If they fit right, anyone interested in purchasing my olive green boots that have only been worn 3 times?
#6 J on 2009-06-02 00:08 (Reply)
Ok those are some cool looking boots...and that is a steal of a price. I love when girls wear these.... a good look!
#7 Men's Fashion Deals (Homepage) on 2009-06-03 02:27 (Reply)
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