The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

5 Under $50: Bandeau Bathing Suits

Bandeau bathing suits are almost universally flattering as they flaunt a woman's sexy collarbone and help prevent unsightly tan lines. For beach babes on a budget, here are 5 sweet suits under $50.

1. Spot Tie Front Swimsuit, $32.70 at

2. Merona Bandeau Shirred One Piece, $34.98 at (available in other colors)

3. Croft & Barrow Bandeau Swimsuit, sale $44.99 at


4. Ruffled Bandeau Top, $24.99 at

5. Tropical Flowers Bandeau, sale $25-$28 at

I like the second one. It's very nice:)
#1 JuliaMit (Homepage) on 2010-06-14 13:31 (Reply)
Only one-piece bandeaus are universally flattering... Bandeau bikinis only look cute on smaller-breasted women. I'm a DD and bandeaus look god-awful on me!!
#2 Lea (Homepage) on 2010-06-14 14:49 (Reply)
You make a very valid point. Personally, I have trouble finding one-piece suits that are long enough in the torso. The last bandeau I tried on at Target kept unceremoniously sliding down because the torso was too short :-( Straps would have helped pull it up! :-)
#2.1 The Budget Babe on 2010-06-16 13:47 (Reply)
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