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Exchange Your Old Bridesmaid Dresses for Something New with

UPDATE 6/17/2011: Read about my experience with Newly Maid here.

Deciding what to do with a bridesmaid dress after you've worn it to a wedding has been a conundrum that women have faced for eons. You could donate it, try to sell it or pass it on to a friend. Now, The Dessy Group - one of the leading makers of bridesmaid dresses (including the Lela Rose and Cynthia Rowley collections) - is offering a new solution: Simply send them your unwanted bridesmaid dress, from ANY brand, and they'll either donate it to charity ( or recycle it with the help of UNIFI, a global textile company. In exchange for donating your dress, you'll receive a special 30 – 50% credit value towards the purchase of a new, totally chic, totally wearable "any occasion" dress.

I think it's a savvy way to swap "something old for something new" with environmental benefits and charitable incentives to boot. I may send a couple dresses to them just so they can find a new home or get recycled, rather than hang in my closet collecting dust. Visit, where you can request a complimentary return mailer and learn more about the program. Think this is something you'd actually use?

How it works:

Photos courtesy of
Great idea and excellent sleuthing BB! Does this apply to any bridesmaid dress or do they exercise some taste in swapping them? I would be very interested in the outcome if you do give this a try. what I would like to know is the ultimate "changeover "price to get an idea if it is worthwhile (rather than just donating the dress to charity).
#1 The_Dark_Lady on 2011-05-11 04:13 (Reply)
This is a very interesting concept. I'd love to see a review from someone who has actually used this service with images of the dress they sent in and the new item they bought, as well as the discount they got. I agree with you though, anything is better than having those old bridesmaid dresses sitting in your closet taking up valuable real estate.
#2 Sara (Homepage) on 2011-05-11 10:46 (Reply)
I've requested a free mailer, so I'll do a follow up post once I've completed the transaction :-)
#2.1 The Budget Babe on 2011-05-11 17:04 (Reply)
What a great concept. I looked at the dresses though and whoa they are a bit expensive. I'd gather up all my girls that were in my wedding and send them all back just to be able to afford one dress.
#3 Cynthia on 2011-05-15 11:32 (Reply)
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