The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Target x Neiman Marcus Collection is 50 Percent Off Online and In Stores

Don't all freak out at once but the Target x Neiman Marcus collection is now 50% off in stores and online at I'm getting the Tracy Reese plates ($19.99, down from $39.99) and possibly some other items. Merry Christmas to me! It was rumored that this collection wouldn't even go on sale, let again get marked down a whopping fifty percent, but it's happening and it's happening now. Thanks to my sister for tipping me off!

Photo credit: The Budget Babe's sister

OMG> I totally love you for this alert!
#1 Goldeelocks (Homepage) on 2012-12-20 16:41 (Reply)
I find this hilarious! Now that it's sort-of affordable (and more in line w/Target's prices) maybe it will actually sell?
#2 Piper Alexander (Homepage) on 2012-12-20 16:48 (Reply)
Ah nuts! I bought the red Jason Wu dress for my daughter exactly a week ago because she needed a red dress for her school's holiday program and you would not believe how hard it was to find a plain old red dress for a little girl. I wonder if they'll give me a price adjustment? :-P (At least the dress is beautiful and I'm impressed with the quality.)
#3 cathy (Homepage) on 2012-12-20 16:57 (Reply)
@Cathy - Yes I'd try, they should give you a price adjustment with your receipt...good luck! And those girls' dresses are totally worth it, so so precious.
#3.1 The Budget Babe on 2012-12-20 18:18 (Reply)
So I ended up getting a price adjustment after all! YAY! :-) Now I feel like I've gotten a deal -- still cheaper than Tea Collection and way cheaper than J.Crew.
#3.1.1 cathy (Homepage) on 2012-12-21 19:24 (Reply)
@cathy - now you're talkin!
# The Budget Babe on 2012-12-22 22:16 (Reply)
Thanks for the heads up! I JUST returned the Tracey Reese top last night. Although I like it I thought it was very overpriced. I'll repurchase this weekend :-). AND I'm getting that Rag and Bone sweater for my boss for our gift exchange tomorrow.
#4 amarie on 2012-12-20 17:16 (Reply)
Just thinking about how this collection was a complete flop. It barely moved in any of the stores near me in N. Cali.
#5 amarie on 2012-12-20 17:19 (Reply)
Miss D, thank you so much for this alert. Now I will be able to get that DVF Yoga mat that I want. LOL
Here in Dallas is not doing good at all :-(
#6 Berty Morales (Homepage) on 2012-12-20 18:28 (Reply)
Go figure. Our Target is still full of the items. Too expensive to begin with
K at
#7 Beautystyleandgrowth (Homepage) on 2012-12-20 20:04 (Reply)
I agree with everyone, they didn't really think this through. For 100 dollars I rather get something straight from Neiman's, the outlet has some very thrifty, designer finds. I would not pay 100 dollars for a dress from Target, no way.
#8 Claudia on 2012-12-20 21:12 (Reply)
Okay, so at half off I am definitely considering one of the Marc Jacobs clutches–fingers crossed that it goes to 75% off :-) Thanks for the heads up!
#9 Sara (Homepage) on 2012-12-21 00:45 (Reply)
So exciting!! I didn't think this would happen so soon lol Thanks for the heads up!
#10 B. (Homepage) on 2012-12-21 04:30 (Reply)
Omg! I am so glad to read this I want that Blue Sequin T shirt so badly but not badly enough to pay $80. I am definately going there today!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!
#11 ROBIN on 2012-12-21 11:19 (Reply)
OMG, thank you! I might seriously consider some of the items now that the prices aren't so absurd.
#12 Nikki F. on 2012-12-21 11:52 (Reply)
Nooooo I bought the Alice + Olivia carry on at full price and it's been over a week. Haha oh well!
#13 Iris (Homepage) on 2012-12-21 12:34 (Reply)
I totally agree that this collection was a huge flop. Both Targets I frequent appear to not have sold even one piece -- all racks are still completely full. Even with the giant 50% signs, no one was even looking at the merchandise yesterday. I would love to see a "lessons learned" article on this collection once it's all said and done. I wonder if they will reconsider not putting the items on clearance.
#14 MEP on 2012-12-21 13:28 (Reply)
I got thr Sequin t shirt and I am so happy! I hope after Christmas that there is still some things left. I could not believe there was still so much left even at 50% off
#15 robin on 2012-12-23 15:14 (Reply)
My husband got me the bike for christmas all he saw that it was $499.00 he got 1/2 off and another 20% because of a little paint of on a handle bar, and he thinks he is the best husband in the world (LOL)
#16 SJ on 2012-12-24 10:34 (Reply)
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