The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Blogger Challenge: Rockin' The Stripe Trend with T.J.Maxx

T.J.Maxx has a fun campaign going on now where they're enlisting bloggers to show off their spring style inspired by some of the latest trends on the streets. They've teamed with street style photographer Amy Creyer of Chicago Street Style, who's been snapping stylish fashionistas then recreating the looks using affordable fashions from T.J. Maxx. Above, you can see one example - on the left is the street style look, and on the right is the "inspired by" look using fab pieces from T.J. Maxx.

Here's a detail of the standout piece, a blouse that normally retails for $60 but can be found at T.J.Maxx for just $29.99 (I actually saw these at my store in both the hot pink and a periwinkle stripe).

With a complimentary giftcard in hand, I headed to my nearest T.J.Maxx to put together my own spring stripe look. Keep reading to see what I came up with!

Look 1: I love this striped blazer and the designer label attached to it. So sharp for spring! I paired it with some lilac skinnies for my version of business casual. I'd probably wear either a black or white tee with this and different shoes, either flats or pumps.

Look 2: Here's another confession: I'm not big on skirts. I love dresses but I just don't love skirts. But this stretchy cotton jersey skirt looked so fresh I had to try it, and I loved the result. I finally got the proportions right by pairing it with a boyfriend blazer with ruched 3/4 sleeves. But because I'm pregnant I decided not to buy the skirt since my figure will be changing least now my mind is more open to skirts.

Look 3: This is the look I bought! You can't go wrong with a striped maxi dress and denim jacket. I could pair this with wedges or flat sandals for easy spring to summer style. Nothing was over $24.99 - another huge plus! I just sized up in the maxi dress to accomodate my bump. Such a comfortable yet stylish maternity outfit idea, don't you think?

Join the conversation with hashtag #maxxinista on Twitter. What styles on the street have been inspiring you this spring?

AHH! You are the cutest pregnant person ever! You look too too cute in the stripes! : )

#1 Kayla (Homepage) on 2013-04-05 11:53 (Reply)
thank you :-)
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2013-04-05 15:01 (Reply)
Love that you got the versatile maxi and denim jacket!! And since cotton is easy to alter, I'm sure you could take-in the maxi easily after the baby!!!
#2 lisacng @ (Homepage) on 2013-04-05 12:15 (Reply)
Thx! I might be able to belt it, too, lazy girl's way of altering, hehe.
#2.1 The Budget Babe on 2013-04-05 15:00 (Reply)
Love your interpretation! Who doesn't love a good maxi dress? And jersey knit is so accommodating for a growing bump. You look fabulous! It's such an effortless look topped off with the denim jacket too. Great job!
Smart n Snazzy
#3 Lia ~ Smart n Snazzy (Homepage) on 2013-04-05 12:30 (Reply)
It's so much easier to dress a bump when the weather's nice too, going to be all about stretchy cotton dresses these final weeks before the baby comes ;-)
#3.1 The Budget Babe on 2013-04-05 14:59 (Reply)
!! i love that chevron skirt!!! i looooove chevron stripes, i'm so excited they are so popular! an awesome remix on classic stripes! i might have to find a tjmaxx near me! good job tj on successful marketing!

would you describe the fit on that skirt as "pencil"? ;o tysm love your blog :-)!
#4 toria on 2013-04-05 21:23 (Reply)
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