The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Look for Less: LOFT Lace Front Sweatshirt

LOFT's lace front sweatshirt was originally $69.50 at but is currently sold out. I'm sure that with sales and coupons this sweatshirt could have been purchased for much less, so I'm not saying it's a "splurge" by any means!

If you missed out on the LOFT style, Kohl's has a similar look by Apt. 9 for $24.99 (down from $44) available in gray, black or blue at and in stores.

Here's a photo I snapped in the store the other day so you can see how it looks in real life. I was buying gifts for other people on that trip so my husband wouldn't let me stop to try it on, but I'm thinking of going back for it - it was super cute and soft, perfect for lounging or running errands!

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