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Fitness Fashion: A Review of Reebok's Warm-Up Camo Watch

Reebok watch: A review

If you take a look in my gym bag, you’ll find a mess of tangled headphones, protein bars, water bottles, extra pairs of socks, a foam roller, and a great watch! Anyone involved in fitness or avid readers of fit blogs and magazines knows that intervals are one of the most efficient ways to work out—and those who are serious about their training know that a great fitness-oriented watch can make all the difference!
Reebok watch: A review

Recently, Reebok sent me their This Warm-Up Camo Watch ($50) to test-drive. This timepiece is a viable option, as it has a rubber coating that grips to your skin without tugging or slipping too much with sweat. I like that it is all black so I can match it with more of my outfits (I openly admit to matching my workout clothes/shoes/accessories, no shame!) and the bit of purple adds a bit of femininity to distinguish it from a men’s design. As far as the look goes, I have seen many brands and styles of fitness watches and I have to say this is a top choice, maybe because I’m drawn to simplicity, but I personally don’t need an obnoxious device clamped on my wrist.

Reebok watch: A review

My one issue with this Reebok watch, which unfortunately has dictated my less-frequent use, is the fact that it is a manual watch face and not digital. It is readable, but the second hand is difficult to keep an eye on while performing high-intensity movements. I almost have to stop completely in order to decipher how much time I have remaining in a set or exercise. Digital clocks are generally larger and bolder. So, I believe that this watch would be perfect for activities like yoga, walking, hiking, or low-intensity machine cardio—the name of the watch speaks for itself! It is also available in a fun springy blue or pink color!

Though this watch hasn’t seen the light of day or my gym too often, I have inquired about other Reebok watches and found they do offer digital options, like the Workout SZ1 ($90). It's a bit more expensive but probably worth it for the added convenience - a big bonus in my book!

Disclosure: Reebok provided me with the watch reviewed in this post free of charge, however, the decision to write this review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
Great post,thanks for the inspiration. Love your blog by the way. Check out my Things I've Made page! :-) xoxo Heidie
#1 Heidie (Homepage) on 2015-03-24 01:55 (Reply)
Lovely Reebok watch, even when we do make out fitness training we should be in trend
isn't it?
#2 Karissa (Homepage) on 2015-03-25 08:35 (Reply)
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