The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Spot the Real: Steve Madden Fringe Heeled Sandals

Can you spot the real Steve Madden fringe sandals?
I will completely understand it if you feel an overwhelming urge to hug your computer right now, because this find is Just. That. Good. Yes ladies I've stumbled upon an incredible look for less of Steve Madden's super haute 'Fringly' sandals ($129.95, You may have drooled over these beauties during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (or the very similar 'Staarz' model) because every top-tier fashion blogger seemed to be flaunting them...and with good reason! These heels are so fierce and so on trend for fall. The look for less is just $44.99 now (down from $65) and also comes in cobalt blue. Think you can spot the real Steve Maddens? Click a link below to test your taste level!

Amazing sandals!
#1 MARTA (Homepage) on 2015-08-19 14:02 (Reply)
In all fairness, I had looked at the Madden's. The dupe is really close though. I may have to go check them out in person. Thanks for the tip!
#2 Michele on 2015-08-19 14:03 (Reply)
Ooooooh, I have been looking for a dupe for these:) YOu're the best!

Wishes & Reality
#3 Heidi (Homepage) on 2015-08-20 19:16 (Reply)
Those heeled sandals are gorgeous but I 'll not wear them standing for a long period of time
#4 Gracious Store (Homepage) on 2015-08-25 13:29 (Reply)
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