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Fug Trend: Wild Wellingtons

So-called fugly shoes have a long history steeped in tradition, from Birkenstocks and Doc Martens, to Uggs and Crocs. (I have personally owned and worn three of the aforementioned four styles. And I still stand by my Ugg boots because they're hella warm.)

By now we've all noticed one of the latest trends in fug-footwear, namely, garishly striped, spotted and otherwise bespattered rainboots, or Wellies as they are affectionately called, named after the original Scottish export, the Hunter Wellington rubber boot.

Fine, I thought. Fun boots for a rainy day. I even considered buying a cheap pair from Target to add some cheer to dreary, gray days when I must still brave the elements and walk my dog.

But now it seems the Hunter boot is poised to become the next official, expensive fugly shoe: has 6 styles in a range of colors, all retailing for over $100 (I should mention they have normal colors like your basic black, brown and navy, too). They're trying to make Hunters cool. My question to you is, are they succeeding? Are you craving a pair of clunky silver rainboots with a can't-miss Hunter label emblazoned on the front as if to say, "I know these are ugly...but they were expensive!"?

Only time will tell...I'm pretty impressionable, especially when Shopbop tells me something is chic. But IF I cave, I'll get something like these "Zetta" navy rainboots from, just $24.99.

Wild Wellies: Fug or fab?

I wouldn't pay over $100 for a pair of rain boots... but I would pick up a pair of "fugly" fun rainboots at target or somewhere cheaper!
#1 Lauren on 2008-09-25 08:02 (Reply)
I've had J. Crew "wellies" for a couple years and I love them because they make me feel kinda British. I guess I would feel even more British if I had the actual Hunter brand but they are too expensive. Also, as a side note, your jeans have to be super skinny to fit inside the top, other wise they bunch up in a not very sleek way.
#2 beautymaven&more (Homepage) on 2008-09-25 10:36 (Reply)
in the cover of the very first issue of Blueprint, the girl was wearing a pair of Hunter rainboots in dark green and i simply had to get them. i bought them in red last year so yes, it was a success!
#3 Cupcakes and Cashmere (Homepage) on 2008-09-25 10:41 (Reply)
As cute as they are I think they're a little too childish for me. But I live in Los Angeles, so there is rarely a need for an umbrella, much less rain boots.

I have no embarassment over having owned and worn Doc Marten's. But Uggs should only be for hanging out in the chalet after a day of skiing. They don't go with denim minis.
#4 Brianne on 2008-09-25 11:09 (Reply)
I think the hunter boots are very stylish and not ugly at all, and I wouldn't mind owning them in silver either- I think its fun and adds something to a utilitarian object that normally is drab.
#5 Peaches on 2008-09-25 12:20 (Reply)
I will admit to falling victim to Hunter lust ... though I'd get them in black or red. That silver is horrid.
#6 Sal (Homepage) on 2008-09-25 12:30 (Reply)
If I did, I'd have to go with the target brand too-not sure I'd wear them all that often, that's the problem. Now I agree about the uggs- no one can discourage me from wearing warm boots in horrible city winter weather-esp. to walk my dog! :-)
#7 Real Style Real people (Homepage) on 2008-09-25 12:38 (Reply)
Living in Seattle, I actually think these boots are practical. They only really turn into an ugly trend when people start wearing striped, polka-dotted, and outrageous patterned boots. I would definitely buy a solid color rain boot, and be happy walking around this city without getting my feet wet!
#8 Soup on 2008-09-25 13:07 (Reply)
Not full Fug but I definitely wouldn't pay $100 for rain boots. The blue ones are cute though, but again, not for $100.

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#9 Jaime (Homepage) on 2008-09-25 15:16 (Reply)
I adore my J.Crew "critter" wellies I purchased a few years ago. I'm complimented on them every time I wear them - I'd say that's a good thing! (I also agree with beautymaven ... They make me feel like I'm vacationing in the British Isles ...) Some wellies do cross the ugly line and are borderline obnoxious, but as long as you know how to wear them, I think most wellies are great!
#10 Katie on 2008-09-25 16:13 (Reply)
I have hunters in dark green and i freakin love love love them!! soooo great for the rain, plus they look great with skirts and knee socks!
#11 Kristy on 2008-09-25 23:11 (Reply)
Unless it's raining and muddy, they are not cool. Paying over $100 is dumb. Wait until JCrew has them on sale.
#12 Debby on 2008-09-26 05:12 (Reply)
I had a cheap pair of boots and wore them out - the tops cracked. I then bought a pair from LL Bean and love them. They have better arch support and are much more comfortable. I live in New England and they are so practical here for rainy days especially when the snow is melting in the spring and you are sick of your winter boots.
#13 Diane on 2008-09-26 07:51 (Reply)
i continue to be puzzled by the fear and horror americans have over bright colors and vivid patterns. i think they only look fugly on people who are pale.

i have the chooka plaid rainboots, they match my orange raincoat and keep me warm through puddley streets.
#14 m on 2008-09-27 16:37 (Reply)
Ugh. This trend has been around in my city for a couple years and I absolutely hate it. Shoes are meant to be hot and sexy, not clunky and fug. The only hot rubber boots I've seen were Burberry. Besides unless you people are walking in hurricane weather, why would you subject yourself to fugliness for a couple inches of rain?
#15 MizzJ (Homepage) on 2008-09-27 22:09 (Reply)
I have two cheap pairs of Wellies--one is a rather bright blue with a band of paisley around the top from Nordstrom years ago (on sale for about $20), the other is black with red polka dots from Laila Rowe (a gift, but I'd imagine also in the $20-25 range)--and honestly, I think they're fantastic on rainy days. They jazz up my day a bit and make outfit coordination a little bit more of a challenge, in that fun way. I find them exceedingly useful in New England from fall to spring (even sometimes paired with thick socks in the snow).
#16 alexandra (Homepage) on 2008-10-14 22:53 (Reply)
MUST Haves.
#17 Crista (Homepage) on 2009-01-27 13:29 (Reply)
I agree with you. I blogged about the very same thing a few weeks ago! They are def more function than fashion.
#18 Jen Smith (Homepage) on 2010-04-19 09:19 (Reply)
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