The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Spot the Deal: Which Henley Costs Less?

Can you guess which henley costs more?
For many years, I used to do a feature here on the blog called "Spot the Real" where I'd show two similar items and you had to guess which was the designer original, and which was the "budget doppelgänger." Today seemed like a good day to bring back this fun feature! Of course, we're just comparing two images, but see if there are any clues you can pick up on that will help you decide which item costs less. The answer is after the jump!

LEFT: Vega Henley Top, $78 at

RIGHT: Aerie Ribbed Henley, $24 (was $35) at

I could not spot it! I really like this post.
#1 carla (Homepage) on 2021-02-18 08:01 (Reply)
If you can't spot it, chances are others won't be able to either when you're wearing it! That's good news to me :-)
#1.1 Dianna Baros on 2021-02-18 18:11 (Reply)
The photo on the left was more artistic, and the model in it has a cooler hair style, so I figured that was the more expensive one. It's really not about the clothes as it is the mood the photo creates..
#2 Anne on 2021-02-18 11:28 (Reply)
I totally agree. Usually the model is pouting in the expensive brands and smiling in the affordable ones. Dead giveaway! Maybe next time I'll crop out the face ;-)
#2.1 Dianna Baros on 2021-02-18 18:11 (Reply)
Spotted the pricier one (and guessed Anthro lol) but for me the difference was not in model/styling—rather, the slightly thicker fabric, nicer snaps, and less PJ-like fit. Don’t know I’d say any model looks ‘cooler’ than the other. :-) Aerie’s brand is more “real woman”/underclothes-y, vs. Anthro’s globetrot gamine. Love both. (And thanks for introducing me to Walmart online btw—had never bought a thing from them before, but loving their soft overalls you highlighted (wearing now) :-)
#3 magpie on 2021-02-18 16:45 (Reply)
You are spot on in all your observations! Let's see if I can stump you next time. Also so glad you snagged those overalls, can't wait for warmer weather when I can wear mine again!
#3.1 Dianna Baros on 2021-02-18 18:10 (Reply)
Yeah, I am right, the left one.
Get what one pays for.
#4 Anjali Green on 2021-02-19 07:45 (Reply)
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