The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

The Look for Less: Kendall Jenner's Slip Dress and Cowboy Boots

Kendall's boots are everything!
Kendall Jenner styled a simple black slip dress perfectly with tough cowboy boots and her signature black Prada baguette bag.

Her cool sunglasses are a must for sunny days out and about, and we found a chic pair under $15 at ASOS.

We love Kendall's way of sprucing up easy basics with unexpected accessories that make the outfit interesting, like our boot pick from Amazon. They are similar to hers and a great pair to have through the upcoming months of fall and winter.

Throwing on your favorite cardigan, jean jacket, or blazer over this sleek dress can take you through autumn! Personalize the pieces with your favorite statement jewelry to make it a sexy evening date-night style. How would you make this unique look your own?

Kendall's boots are everything!
Photo Credit: MEGA

Kendall is so chic!
#1 carla schwarz schwartz (Homepage) on 2021-09-18 15:58 (Reply)
#1.1 Brooke Tosovsky on 2021-10-08 09:56 (Reply)
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