The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Amazon Casual Summer Dresses

3 casual summer dresses on Amazon
Summer is officially here and that means I will be wearing all the dresses! Here are three recent Amazon dresses I'm loving for casual everyday occasions.

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This first crisscross halter dress features a unique neckline and curved hem with two side slits. It's comfy, lightweight, and would be cute for a dinner date or day of outdoor shopping. I'm in my usual size small. I like that it's not clingy, but you will need to wear a strapless bra style with this one.

Summer casual dresses from Amazon

Next is this babydoll dress with the prettiest embroidery detail. This one is a soft viscose that drapes beautifully (although it will need to be steamed to get those wrinkles out initially). I'm 5'8" for reference and while it's short on me, it's not too short. I'm in a small. Comes in a ton of colors.

Summer casual dresses from Amazon

Finally this midi dress with spaghetti straps is probably the most "me" and my favorite of the three! I love a dress that I can wear with my Birkenstock lookalikes. This dress is a polyester blend but looks like linen. I'm in my usual size small and love this chambray blue hue.

Amazon summer casual dresses for everyday

Winter will be back before you know it (well, at least where I live!) so wear those summer dresses while you still can! xxBB

You look absolutely stunning in your outfit! It's a perfect choice for a fresh and summery look. Keep rocking those fashionable outfits!
#1 Styletyx (Homepage) on 2023-07-10 13:16 (Reply)
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