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Ask BB: How to Keep Your Boots in Shape

I'm aware that there is such a thing as a "slouchy boot," well, mine aren't. I've worn them several times and now they are starting to slouch around the ankles, making them look very unattractive. How can I fix this? —Claudia

I'm afraid there's no way to restore your boots to their original state, however, there are some things you can do to prevent them from slouching even more. First, be careful when you'll pulling your boots on and off. If they lace or zip up, be sure to loosen them all the way before slipping them onto your feet so you do as little damage as possible.

Second, make sure you're storing your boots properly; either roll up some cardboard and place it in the shaft of each boot to maintain the shape (keep the packaging your boots came with), or buy some of these boot shapers from the Container Store ($9.99 for a set of 2).

The next time you're shopping for boots, look for a pair that fits fairly snug around the calf and around the ankles—there shouldn't be a wide gap in either place. Also, keep in mind that part of what gives leather boots their character and charm is the way they change over time; sometimes a little slouch can be a good thing!

#1 Crista (Homepage) on 2009-01-31 12:31 (Reply)
What a great topic! While I don't own a pair of leather boots (of any kind) myself, should I ever invest in a pair I'll be sure to keep these tips in mind.
#2 Katie on 2009-01-31 17:32 (Reply)
you can also use old magazines (fold in half) to put inside your boots to maintain their shape!
#3 Jessica on 2009-01-31 18:36 (Reply)
You can also use empty, rinsed-out 1 liter bottles. Works a treat and also is recycling.
#4 Jane on 2009-01-31 19:04 (Reply)
or wine bottles!
#5 amber on 2009-02-01 12:27 (Reply)
thanks! definitely good to know!
#6 huongface (Homepage) on 2009-02-01 13:23 (Reply)
That's what I do! It's such a cheap, but effective way to help a boot keep it's shape.
#7 Joann on 2009-02-01 13:48 (Reply)
I roll up magazines & place them inside my boots to keep them from slouching - really simple :-)
#8 Down Comforter (Homepage) on 2009-02-01 14:54 (Reply)
Thanks for your boot keeping tips, I will definitely use the magazine tips you shared. Thanks!
#9 Rachael on 2011-12-28 06:13 (Reply)
A boot's shaft naturally slouches and loses its shape through normal wear. Try a pair of Elevates which prevents boot slouch with the use of a thin leg strap and magnets. It's pretty cool! Check it out at Good luck!
#10 Dora on 2012-07-19 11:48 (Reply)
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