The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

3 Ways to Wear: Cargo Capri Pants

Cargo pants always make a comeback in the summer for their comfort, rugged good looks and wardrobe versatility. This season's preferred silhouette is a bit slimmer, with fewer bulky pockets, in fabrics and colors that can be more easily dressed up or down (think easy-care cotton poplin and cool gray-greens.)

Take a moment to think of some ways you might style the pair of cargo capris shown here ($24.80 at White tee and gladiators? Black tank and heels? Great ideas! OK, now keep reading to see 3 more ways to wear these babies, all outfit ideas featuring affordable items under $60.

Capris are best when they hit mid-calf. If you're concerned about the leg-shortening qualities of capris, wear yours exclusively with heels. Depending on your figure, you might have better luck with knee-length cargo-style walking shorts or floor-length cargo pants.

Sexy heels and a shimmery tank make this a chic look for evening that's still relaxed.

Leg-lengthening wedges look great on everyone. A tucked blouse and belt show off your waistline.

Oooh, cute ideas!
#1 K (Homepage) on 2010-05-04 13:54 (Reply)
This is good to know for my trip to the mall later today :-)
#2 Liz (Homepage) on 2010-05-04 14:37 (Reply)
love these looks you put together! I have some pants just like this in a dark khaki and this gives me alternatives to styling them!
#3 lauren (Homepage) on 2010-05-04 16:24 (Reply)
Where do I get those shoes in the original photo? Must have!!
#4 Elizabeth on 2010-05-04 17:12 (Reply)
I love this article so much that I couldn't resist sharing it with my followers in my blog! I can't wait to recreate the 2nd and third look!
#5 Berty on 2010-05-04 17:56 (Reply)
Ok, so I have had a problem with this for so long. I love the look of cargo pants with wedges, but have a really hard time finding the right fit.
#6 Dina's Days (Homepage) on 2010-05-04 21:01 (Reply)
Cute ideas! I like the #2 look, but for myself that would be more of a casual look than a fancy one lol.
#7 MizzJ (Homepage) on 2010-05-05 01:00 (Reply)
In the 3rd outfit, what does it mean by tucked? not tucking in the shirt right? Also, where do you put the belt? Thanks =)
#8 Roslyn on 2010-05-05 09:09 (Reply)
Glad to see there's stuff that isn't sleeveless, since I don't wear those.
#9 Elle Sees (Homepage) on 2010-05-05 09:20 (Reply)
Click on the image to be taken directly to the retailer.
#10 The Budget Babe on 2010-05-05 10:10 (Reply)
For that look, I would remove the fabric belt that comes with the shirt, then tuck it into the cargo pants, and add a belt (the cargos are drawstring but also have belt loops for the belt). You kinda have to use your imagination to picture it, but that was my "vision"!
#11 The Budget Babe on 2010-05-05 10:17 (Reply)
This post is Fab, I love the way you put together outfits, my favorite is your first option, funny I just read on another blog yesterday, that jean jackets were coming back. It was a nice touch using the grays with the brown accessories. May just have to run out to forever 21 this weekend. While I was searching for good shopping tips for the summer, came across this video of Elena Goode. and thought The budget Babes would love her passion for Hunting down bargains. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next .
#12 Jen on 2010-05-05 12:15 (Reply)
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