The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Ask BB: What to Wear to a Charity Golf Tournament

I am volunteering at a charity golf tournament. I am not golfing but it is a company event and I want a cute yet appropriate outfit. Any suggestions? Shoes? —bridgetsobs

I'm picturing a hot, sunny golf course and lots of running around, so I'd recommend wearing your favorite white bottoms (shorts, capris or cargos) to keep cool and a flattering polo in your favorite bright color. Add stylish yet comfortable sneakers like mini-striped Keds, sunglasses and a light cotton hoodie in case you need to cover up. Bring a tote that you can toss under a table with essentials like sunscreen, water and a floppy hat. Here are some cheap-chic items to help you envision your golf charity outing look, click on any item for details:

I so appreciate all your diverse but totally attainable advise. I can actually afford to buy the things you recommend.

I actually nominated you for a silly but fun blog award. I would love seeing your 5 favorite budget pairs of shoes.
#1 Erin (Homepage) on 2010-06-09 13:12 (Reply)
The last time I went to a work-sponsored golf outing, I wore Bermuda shorts and a polo shirt with tennis shoes. If yours is work-sponsored, I would encourage you to cover your shoulders (no tank tops) and be modest with shorts/skirt length. You might also find out the dress code at the golf course as well, in case it's a country club.
#2 MEP on 2010-06-09 13:41 (Reply)
Great advice!
#3 The Budget Babe on 2010-06-09 16:32 (Reply)
Thanks for the award! I love your picks, great idea.
#4 The Budget Babe on 2010-06-09 16:33 (Reply)
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