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Ask BB: Where to Get Cheap, Stylish Scarves

Is there a good place online or in stores to get nice big full scarves that won't totally use up my fashion budget? I love them, but I also love variety! —Courtney

Moments after reading your question, I got an email from a company called Happy Scarf ( - talk about timing! As a fashion blogger, I get a LOT of solicitations from brands, most of which are useless, but sometimes a friendly email from a relevant brand is an effective way for me to learn about lesser known or new boutiques and share the news with you guys. Anyways, I clicked on over to their site and was happily impressed.

From lightweight summer scarves, to 100% wool winter scarves, oversized styles and even some capes and wraps, Happy Scarf seems to have it all. Most scarves are priced between $20 and $30, and there's a great clearance section showcasing scarves for just $12. Be sure to look at the fabric content so you know what you're getting. FYI, I've never ordered from Happy Scarf myself, nor did they pay me to write this post or anything like that, but they look like a great new source for affordable scarves online. If you order from them, let me know how it goes.

Of course, there's a ton of other places to get scarves. If you happen to live in a big city like NYC or you'll be traveling to one, take advantage of the street vendors. Super cheap and lots of options.

I just picked up a fab scarf at H&M in Barcelona (everyone in that city wears a scarf, EVERYONE). H&M has a good selection right now - most styles are under $15 and come in the latest colors and prints. I also love the scarves at American Apparel, TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Sometimes you can get a pure cashmere scarf at one of these off-price retailers for less than $40. That's pretty much all I'll wear during the bitter winter months, nothing keeps you warmer so it's worth every penny.

I'll pay more for an oversized scarf in wool, cashmere or silk, but otherwise, there's no reason to spend a lot on a scarf. Some cheap scarves look expensive and vice versa. Go for colors and prints you love in fabrics that feel good against your skin. xoBB

Where have you found the best selection of affordable, stylish scarves this season?
#1 CS on 2011-11-07 16:23 (Reply)
I saw pashminas at Boscov's for $3.99. I know they're not scarves, per se, but they get the job done. And cheap!
#2 Jen on 2011-11-07 20:47 (Reply)
Have you seen this video? A little repetitive, but I love all of the options.
#3 Ashley on 2011-11-07 21:56 (Reply)
Thrift stores! You can get great fun stuff for a buck or two!
#4 Kenzie on 2011-11-08 00:56 (Reply)
I love wearing scarves - they can be stylish and cozy at the same time. I've bought a lot of mine from H&M and TJ Maxx.
#5 Petite Size Style (Homepage) on 2011-11-08 02:13 (Reply)
Forever 21 always has some cute options. I checked out the Happy Scarf website and am pretty tempted. I am a sucker for free shipping.
#6 Sara (Homepage) on 2011-11-08 13:39 (Reply)
It's mesmerizing!! If I can learn just 2 or 3 new ways to tie a scarf, I'll be happy. Thanks for sharing!
#7 The Budget Babe on 2011-11-08 14:20 (Reply)
I second TJ Maxx ... found a $$$ Free People scarf there for less than $25. It was pure wool with gorgeous colors too.

But you can also find super deals on scarves at Target. I love their cotton scarves for the bright patterns!

If you like vintage scarves nothing beats the thrift store, especially cancer and hospice thrift stores, which often get amazing real vintage scarves.
#8 Anusha (Homepage) on 2011-11-08 16:40 (Reply)
I've bought most of my scarves at Old Navy...usually around $10 or $12 each and great colors! (I'm not much for prints but they have a lot of bright colored solids!)
#9 Nikki on 2011-11-08 17:25 (Reply)
It's OK to have some inexpensive scarves but don't automatically rule out nicer ones just because a scarf is a small item.

They're a bit like purses. Cheap ones will look like better ones, for awhile. Not every scarf needs to be high quality but oftentimes you'll get more wear out of the real thing than a half-done knock-off.
#10 GingerR on 2011-11-08 19:30 (Reply)
World Market - beautiful and great selection.
#11 cyndi on 2011-11-12 19:47 (Reply)
Hi BB,
Just wanted to let you know that I ordered some scarves from Happy Scarf, and I am very pleased with them. Their customer service was excellent. I had a question which I e-mailed them, and got a response the same day. There was no shipping charge, and I received the scarves in 7 days (I live in Canada), it's only 2-3 business days for the USA.
#12 Elle on 2011-11-16 18:48 (Reply)
hey that's great! thank you so much for sharing the good news.
#13 The Budget Babe on 2011-11-16 20:05 (Reply)
I found some pretty cute scarves at Aerie the last time I went shopping. And as luck would have it they were on sale.
#14 brittneynikkole (Homepage) on 2011-11-17 14:21 (Reply)

They have a ton of different scarves at a great price!!!!
#15 CiCi on 2011-12-04 10:57 (Reply)
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