The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Off the Rack: Fab Fall Shoes at Target

Yesterday I shared some of the fall fashion highlights I spotted recently at Target, and today I'm bringing you a look at some of the cute shoes that caught my eye. It was love at first sight when I spied the leopard loafers shown above ($19.99). I've been wanting this style for months, and previously bought a similar looking pair from Kohl's by Candies but was forced to return them because they were rubbing my ankles raw. Not cute. The Mossimo 'Vianca', however, feels soft and flexible, so I have high hopes. Other standout styles include Merona ballet flats in emerald green, a low wedge pump in dark teal blue (great for work), round toe mid-heel pumps in leopard and patent oxblood, and black ankle boots that range from edgy to elegant.

Have you picked up any shoes at Target recently?

I had to include this shot to show how disheveled the shoe department at my Target store looks (and it's not just the clearance shoes). It's a disaster!

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I'm going to Target tomorrow to look for some black combat boots. Thanks for the post!
#1 Davina on 2012-08-29 18:01 (Reply)
I bought a pair of green loafers on sale there too! I want to go back now though, I didn't see all these fun ones!
#2 Tori (Homepage) on 2012-08-29 19:04 (Reply)
I recently got two pairs of flats from Target on clearance because I couldn't decide on a color. I got the Sonya flats (the ones with stones all over them) in pink and black. I love them and they accomodate my wide toes/narrow ankle. I've worn both a full day and didn't get blisters and none of the stones fell off. They were $14 on clearance. I originally wanted the white ones, but they weren't in store. So I got two pairs for $28 instead of one for $20. I also want to get the Solana wedge. Target has so many cute shoes. I got two pairs of flats on clearance from Target two years ago and they have held up well (best $6 shoes I've ever gotten!) . And I love my Target Frye knock off boots! Thanks for showing what you find when you're out shopping. I love your site!
#3 Laura on 2012-08-29 19:28 (Reply)
I need a Target trip
#4 Ayanna on 2012-08-29 19:30 (Reply)
gotta love target!
#5 Liz (Homepage) on 2012-08-29 20:03 (Reply)
Tried on the teal wedges at Target tonight, the color looks even bettrer in always the 10's get scooped up fast so I will have to keep an eye out.
#6 Patrice (Homepage) on 2012-08-29 21:04 (Reply)
Loving those combat boots! I also feel a need for the teal wedges. I actually found leopard loafers that look almost identical at KMart (saw a mention from another blogger). The week I bought them they had a buy one get one half off special - I ended up buying 4 pair of shoes.
#7 Sara (Homepage) on 2012-08-29 21:16 (Reply)
I always look forward to your Off the Rack posts at Target. You didn't see any boots besides the desert booties?
#8 Liah on 2012-08-29 21:22 (Reply)
I saw the Kmart ones last week too! I go in there for the most mundane things and always end up coming out with a bag of clothes or shoes.

Love the shoe rundown! Yet another part of Target I need to check out over the long weekend.
#9 Sara (Homepage) on 2012-08-29 22:24 (Reply)
Heading to Target...your shoe dept is not any worse than my shoe dept. Yes, it is all the time.
#10 Barbara on 2012-08-30 07:10 (Reply)
That does it! I am getting leopard print flats at Kmart! I saw them last week and did not get them. I am thinking about the black ankle boots in the photo above but suede in my neck of the woods is really iffy once the wet weather hits and they always get ruined. The shoe dept at my local Target looks the same way! Did you see the cute beaded moccasins? Thoughts?
#11 Robin on 2012-08-30 10:10 (Reply)
As much as I hate wearing flats I might need a pair of leopard loafers. Thanks for sharing!
#12 Berty Morales (Homepage) on 2012-08-30 14:48 (Reply)
got the leopard careful, they are making my feet hurt, which is unusual because I rarely have that problem with Target shoes, but I love them and still wear them lots and will just suffer since they are so cute!
#13 Kenisha Cameron on 2012-08-30 20:58 (Reply)
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