The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Spot the Real: J.Crew Leopard Pencil Skirt

Perfect for the office, J.Crew's classy leopard pencil skirt is a solid investment for $130. The look for less will help you look purrfectly polished for just under $25 (and it's a skirt I own myself). See if you can spot the real from the steal by clicking either image below!

J.Crew at ShopStyle

Merona at ShopStyle

I guessed the second one to be the JCrew! Guess where that got me!
#1 C on 2012-08-31 18:54 (Reply)
I'm so glad you made this part of a Spot the Real post – I've been looking for it on the Target website with no luck until just now. How does the sizing run?
#2 Sara (Homepage) on 2012-08-31 22:25 (Reply)
I own this skirt in several colors, and I have to say it is incredibly well made for the price. Fabric is substantial and it's lined. Quality is the same or even better as the no. 2 pencil skirts by J Crew (own several of those as well). Didn't realize this skirt came in turquoise too... ordering now!!
Sara- I think the sizing runs big. Order a size down from your J Crew size, I think.
#3 Meredith on 2012-08-31 22:46 (Reply)
@Meredith - Agree and thanks for the feedback on the quality.

@Sara - I'm usually a 4 and that's what I went with, but had there been a size 2 in stock at my store, I would have tried it on. The size 4 skirt is a bit loose but I plan on tucking a chambray or denim shirt into it so that's fine with me. :-)
#4 The Budget Babe on 2012-09-01 11:27 (Reply)
I've been lusting after the Target skirt ever since you posted about it and finally caved. I, too, went for my normal size--I hope it won't be too lose!
#5 Farin on 2012-09-03 14:29 (Reply)
Just got this skirt at target...the size 2 is a little loose on me and I'm usually a 2 or 4. Can't wait to wear it! Other than a chambray shirt, how would you style it? Shirt/shoes/jewelery? Thanks!
#6 Suzanne on 2012-09-16 20:22 (Reply)
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