The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

5 Tips to Help You Survive Black Friday

Black Friday is the biggest shopping holiday of the year, which means massive crowds and long lines. So how do you avoid the Black Friday craziness and still get the best gifts for everyone on your list? Follow me to Marshalls, of course! This holiday season, I've teamed up with one of my favorite stores to bring you my best gifting tips as I take on each week's mission, which I'm also sharing on Twitter and Instagram with hashtag #TheGifter. Last week I was challenged to find gift ideas for hard-to-shop friends. Tackling this week's mission, "Black Friday", here are my tips for scoring the best gifts on this busy shopping day:

(p.s. What are your strategies for managing Black Friday mania? Share your finds on social media with using hashtag #TheGifter to be entered to win a $500 TJX gift card, with one winner being selected each week!)

1. Check out the toys! Marshalls' inventory is constantly being refreshed, and the off-price retailers always rolls out an incredible toy selection on Black Friday. This past week, I picked up the block toy (shown above) for my baby boy on clearance for $7 - couldn't wait for Black Friday, and at Marshalls, you never really have to wait for sale! I've been learning more about which brands are posh/eco/educational/etc. and have found so many of the toys I've read about on top mommy blogs and Pinterest at my Marshalls for really cheap.

2. Hit up the tech department. This is another area that Marshalls really beefs up for Black Friday. And notice how the tech department in my store is empty? The store was bustling this week - don't get me wrong - but for some reason, this corner of the store was quiet. This is good for shoppers like me who like a little breathing room while I'm scouring the racks for deals. I found designer headphones, iPhone cases, even the exact remote control helicopter that my husband had on his wishlist (for his inner child, ya know). It's not even Black Friday yet and I'm already killin' it!

3. Don't forget Fido. It's easy to overlook man's best friend on Black Friday but our furry friends need some love, too. Marshalls has the cutest selection of toys, treats, grooming products and soft beds for every four-legged creature on your list. I'm pretty sure my dog loves Marshalls as much as I do because I almost always bring him something from my shopping trips. Hey, I'm good like that.

4. Take time to refuel. I never really paid attention to the snacks at Marshalls until I was pregnant, at which point I noticed they have lots of healthy, gourmet treats, from coconut water to almonds, plus more indulgant treats like imported chocolates and cookies. Keep up your energy by grabbing something yummy before you leave - I find they have lots of treats in the checkout aisle, too!

5. Treat yourself! Let's be honest, Black Friday is the perfect time to indulge without the guilt! With Marshalls' ever-changing inventory, you're bound to find dozens of items you won't be able to resist. Whether it's a comfy sweater or new purse, go ahead and get it. Tell 'em The Budget Babe made you do it.

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by TJX through their partnership with POPSUGAR. While I was compensated to write a post about TJX #TheGifter, all opinions are my own.
I plan to just stay home lol. I can't deal with the craziness.
#1 Candice (Homepage) on 2013-11-25 13:19 (Reply)
Great tips! I plan on shopping online. Check out my Black Friday shopping deal list, I'm updating it throughout the week with pre sales all the way to cyber Monday.
#2 The Fashion Palate (Homepage) on 2013-11-25 20:52 (Reply)
Great tips, I'dd add, go with a buddy and enjoy some wine at lunch!

Have a wonerful Thanksgiving.
#3 Shannon (Homepage) on 2013-11-26 15:52 (Reply)
LOVE this tip!
#4 The Budget Babe on 2013-11-26 16:22 (Reply)
Great tips! :-) My biggest tip is to carry a cross body bag!!

#5 Kaps (Homepage) on 2013-11-26 22:53 (Reply)
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