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Ask BB: Wrap Cardigans for Less

I've been looking for something similar to Lauren Conrad's Katherine Wrap (above left, $155) or the DKNY Cozy ($195), but since these two are very pricey, of course I'm wondering if there is something similar for a portion of the price?

You've got great taste! Both of those wraps are the perfect cover-up (especially for freezing, air-conditioned offices!), very on-trend, versatile and comfortable. I think you'll get a lot of wear out of one, but of course, you want to get a deal if possible. Here are a couple options to consider:

Also if you sew, you can recreate that cardigan in the color and fabric of your choosing using Vogue pattern 8305 at
#1 lsaspacey (Homepage) on 2008-07-06 11:16 (Reply)
I bought a similar style cardigan at Forever 21 this past winter for $22 but it was in charcoal grey. I used it all the time and always got compliments.
#2 Rachelle on 2008-07-06 12:16 (Reply)
This style of cardigan is also available in a lightweight cotton at for $38:
#3 Stazh on 2008-07-06 14:03 (Reply)
What a beautiful pattern! Learning how to sew is at the top of my "Things to do before I die" list.
#4 The Budget Babe on 2008-07-07 09:32 (Reply)
Nice find. Ok, here's another from for $36:
#5 The Budget Babe on 2008-07-07 09:33 (Reply)
I have to say, giving Lauren Conrad credit for that style is a JOKE! It was originally BCBG from last year...a style they have continued with and other "designers" like LC ripped it off!
#6 Kate on 2008-07-07 09:43 (Reply)
OK, I LOVE this style, but have always worried that it would make me look like a 50-year-old. Albeit a stylish one. From the photos, pairing a wrap cardi with something young and fresh like leggings is what will lessen the stodginess factor ... yes?
#7 Sal (Homepage) on 2008-07-07 12:45 (Reply)
Believe it or not, I found similar cardigans at Express on sale for $20. I bought one in charcoal and another in lavendar and I wear them all the time. Perfect for chilly nights and cold offices!
#8 Sushi on 2008-07-07 23:15 (Reply)
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