The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Three's A Trend: Pear Pendants

If Marc Jacobs and Kenneth Jay Lane say so, then it must be true: Pear pendant necklaces make a sweet summer statement. Take your pick of high, medium and low-priced options.

$$$ Marc by Marc Jacobs Pear Pendant at, Was $150 Now $90
$$ Kenneth Jay Lane Pear Pendant at, Was $115 Now $57.50
$ Pear Necklace at, $6.90

I love pears! That Marc Jacobs pendant is actually super duper cute, and $90 isn't actually that bad....oh dear. Time to hide my credit cards!
#1 Lynda (Homepage) on 2008-07-07 09:09 (Reply)
I completely agree, $90 isn't bad for Marc and besides, it's a watch so that makes it practical too ;-)
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2008-07-07 09:29 (Reply)
#2 Sal (Homepage) on 2008-07-07 12:46 (Reply)
I love all three but that MJ number is a must have at less than $100!
#3 Always In Style (Homepage) on 2008-07-08 16:35 (Reply)
Woo, I just want to eat these! All three are cute as chips and all are great prices. Definitely agree tho, MJ all the way for looks and practicality!
#4 PoshAndBroke (Homepage) on 2010-12-06 10:48 (Reply)
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