The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Editor's Closet: Scoop NYC Flip-Flop Promotion

Today at 12PM EST, Editor's Closet is having a "Scoop" high-end flip flop sale. The first 200 members who check out and enter the coupon code FreeFlipFlops in the coupon section will get a free pair of "Scoop" leather flip flops (retail value $68.00) and pay S & H only. Limited to 1 (one) pair per member.

These colorful metallic leather flip flops are interchangeable with any other dressy sandals, and can perfectly be worn as dress shoes. The sale will close tonight, Wednesday July 16th at 11PM EST.

Can you send me an invite to Editor's Closet, please?
Thank you!
#1 Nathalie on 2008-07-16 15:59 (Reply)
Sure, your invite has been sent!
#2 The Budget Babe on 2008-07-16 16:16 (Reply)
Thank you!
#3 Nathalie on 2008-07-16 16:36 (Reply)
Could you send me an invite as well please? Thanks :-)
#4 Anu on 2008-07-16 17:40 (Reply)
Me too please! Thanks!
#5 Campbell on 2008-07-16 17:42 (Reply)
Done and done!
#6 The Budget Babe on 2008-07-16 20:15 (Reply)
Invite request please =)
#7 Rachelle on 2008-07-16 21:17 (Reply)
#8 The Budget Babe on 2008-07-18 09:30 (Reply)
Can you please send me an invite?
#9 Ailsa on 2008-11-21 11:19 (Reply)
Could you please send me an invite too please?
#10 Linda on 2009-01-06 19:50 (Reply)
Could I also get an invitation? Thanks!
#11 Danielle on 2009-01-07 10:53 (Reply)
May I get an invite please?
#12 Nicolle on 2009-01-12 12:10 (Reply)
Can I have an invite to editors closet? I'd be happy to invite you to giltgroupe, ruelala, ideeli, or hautelook. (Or anyone else on this joint!)

Thanks, Yvonne
#13 Yvonne (Homepage) on 2009-01-21 20:38 (Reply)
Please provide me with an invite to the Editor's Closet.

#14 Debby on 2009-03-17 08:12 (Reply)
May I get an invite to Editor's Closet too? Thanks!!
#15 Rissa on 2009-03-27 20:34 (Reply)
Please send me a invite! Thanks in advance.

#16 Kim on 2009-05-08 10:17 (Reply)
hi would you mind sending an invite to editor's closet

#17 joy on 2009-05-16 12:02 (Reply)
Invite, please! :-)
#18 Emma on 2009-06-16 19:07 (Reply)
Does any of you editors closet lovers know who made the short dress with the train on the homepage of editors closet?? OR possibly know a link where I can find more/better angle pictures of it?? PLEASE!! I am desperate!!!
#19 Shannon (Homepage) on 2010-12-09 17:27 (Reply)
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