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The Look for Less: Chanel Flower & Stud Clogs

Chanel is to blame (or thank, depending on where you stand) for the current clog trend in footwear. Shown above are some Chanel clogs from the Spring 2010 runway embellished with flowers.

N.Y.L.A.'s "Lewis" clog will give you the look for less in either bone and white (shown) or pink and black (too garish to post). These beauties can be yours for $89.95 at

Looking for another less expensive option? Check your nearest Payless for these Alice + Olivia Hampton studded platform clog heels ($39.99, sold out in most sizes online).

Not sure how to wear your new amazing clogs? Try them with a simple tee and your favorite jeans, like Ashley Simpson. Couldn't be easier!

Browse more Chanel-inspired clogs under $100 below...
I feel like the clog trend was short lived. I'm glad I didn't invest in them, of course if I ever find some at a thrift store I'll snatch them up for the next time they're in style!
#1 Liz (Homepage) on 2010-07-02 21:30 (Reply)
Did you see anyone wearing clogs while you were in England? I'd be curious to know if it caught on more across the pond...
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2010-07-03 09:13 (Reply)
Just saw these on and remembered this post:

I am still loving clogs especially with the wide leg jeans coming back!
#1.1.1 Shelby on 2011-01-24 17:38 (Reply)
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