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Off the Rack: Spring Fashions at J. Crew

Since I live in a college town, there's a J. Crew store just minutes from my home. Although it's not the cheapest place to shop, the quality is there and the sales are great. I routinely stop by just to see what's new and gather inspiration. For spring, J. Crew is showing lots of casual basics that will integrate easily into your existing wardrobe: Striped tops, chambray shirts, madras plaid and soft colors like sky blue, honeysuckle pink, coral and lemon yellow. If nothing else, new-for-spring nail polish shades from Essie are worth a trip: Milkyway, Peep Show, Au Naturale, Flawless and Cute as a Button will all have you swooning. Also, be sure to check the sales racks: I tried on a vibrant coral cardigan, cool cargo jacket, striped tank, floral shorts and more, all marked down under $50.

Click through for more photos. Anything catching your eye?

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Loving nearly everything!! Esp the orange dress, striped shirts, and cute cardis.
#1 Alisa (Homepage) on 2011-03-24 21:57 (Reply)
I live abroad now, and have stopped shopping at J Crew (which I order via family, who sends it to me) because the regular prices are so high.
Some of the items you featured here (basics like the striped shirt, the floral skirt, and the blue sweater/skirt outift at the top) are so cute that I would definitely pop over to J Crew today if I could!
#2 Greta on 2011-03-25 02:49 (Reply)
BB! You are single-handedly making me sick of skinny cargoes!!
#3 MEP on 2011-03-25 08:34 (Reply)
I have that striped tank in the last photo, in caramel instead of navy. It's super-soft and drapes nicely, so it's definitely a worthwhile purchase if it's on sale!
#4 Nikki F. on 2011-03-25 08:49 (Reply)
Was in J Crew yesterday too.. definitely drool worthy... so expensive though! I have picked up their catalog to try and recreate their looks with less expensive items!
#5 Darlene on 2011-03-25 09:50 (Reply)
Love the orange dress with the pink cardigan! Funny - I've never been a fan of orange. This season I'm feeling a strong craving for coral and orange. Couple years ago it was purple - bought a ton of it!
#6 danielle on 2011-03-25 10:16 (Reply)
LOVE jcrew, but hate the prices :-( the cardis are really cute, but I recently saw similar ones at Target in the hot colors for this spring and summer! I got a very cute orange one for $17.99! and in the past I've been impressed by the good quality of Target's boyfriend cardigans. would definitely recommend!
#7 Gina on 2011-03-25 11:20 (Reply)
I'm wearing a bf cardigan from Target right now, love 'em. The quality varies from season to season but I definitely agree that you can get some great ones.
#8 The Budget Babe on 2011-03-25 13:23 (Reply)
Oh, J. Crew, please sponsor my life! All that coral is fantastic. I will definitely being using these pics as inspiration for restyling some of the things I already have for spring.
#9 Sara (Homepage) on 2011-03-25 15:24 (Reply)
In case anybody didn't know.. they give a 15% discount for students - you just need your school email address. & it's not advertised, so you have to ask for it. :-)
#10 Hannah on 2011-03-28 02:19 (Reply)
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