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Beauty Review: Dove Body Wash with NutriumMoisture

Beauty Review: Dove Body Wash with NutriumMoisture

The Budget Babe's resident beauty expert Kiki Bella finds comfort (and super soft skin) in a new line of moisturizers from Dove. —BB

by Kiki Bella
Ever since high school I have had a bad relationship with moisturizers. Attending a private school and being forced to wear uniforms for four years will give you an interesting point of view on skincare and lotions. Imagine walking into the locker room and smelling every single Bath & Bodyworks scent mixed together, and then magnify that by three hundred. Powerful. Overwhelming. I had to fight the faint. Why the obsession with soft skin? Well, for starters, when you have to wear a skirt everyday and people can't help but see your legs, you don't want them to be scaly or ashy (the horror!).

Anyway, my personal psychological traumas aside (I still won't go near plaid) I think there is something to be said for the quest for the perfect form of moisturizer. My own requirements are simple and straightforward, yet hard to find. I want something that is quick and easy (it's too time consuming to lotion up everyday, call me too busy or call me lazy), something that works well (I want soft, not greasy), something that works well throughout the seasons (enough in winter, not too much in summer), and doesn't make me smell like a bowl of fruit or cotton candy. Oh yeah, and to top it all off I want it to come from a company that I respect, and that respects me.

I'm dreaming, right?

Nope. Welcome to the world of Dove Body Wash with NutriumMoisture™. I was able to try all three body washes in this line—Deep Moisture, Sensitive Skin and Gentle Exfoliating—and I ADORE them. They are amazing. My skin felt fantastic. Better than it ever has before, no joke. My boyfriend tried it, and with just one shower his scaly man elbows were no more! That alone had me sold. I tried it, and I was a believer.

But if that wasn't already proof enough I went to check out the Dove site, and it's like the icing on the cake. Not only does it feel like it works, but they have scientific papers on their site for you to read to explain why it works and how. I love this. A fantastic product in a beautiful bottle and all the smarty pants technical stuff I love to go along with it. This product is the answer to my prayers. Showering and moisturizing simultaneously saves so much time, the amount of hydration and softness is absolutely perfect, the scent is lovely in the shower and is subtle on the skin so it doesn't clash with my perfume or cause others to dry heave. Major thanks to Dove for creating this product, and while I'm on this love trip I also want to thank the company for their real beauty campaign. Go Dove!

The Dove Body Wash with NutriumMoisture™ collection is sold at food, drug and mass retailers nationwide. Visit to learn more about the science behind Nutrium Moisture.
Awesome! So convenient. I've been dreaming about this for foreverr.
#1 Dubai Stylista (Homepage) on 2009-09-07 10:19 (Reply)
Thanks for the review, Kiki! I've seen the commercial campaign and keep wondering to myself ... What exactly is Nutrium? I guess I'll have to check out the web page to find out! And I'll definitely be buying a bottle of this next time I'm in the market for some body wash!
#2 Tiers of Joy (Homepage) on 2009-09-07 10:55 (Reply)
From what I gather the moisturizers in this body wash mimic the natural moisture we have in our skin (lipids) and are derived from Soy beans- I do recommend reading the papers, its very interesting!
#2.1 Kiki Bella on 2009-09-08 17:10 (Reply)
i love their stuff! even the shampoo is amazing!
the body stuff just feels so nice and soft,obviously the price is great and i think the smell is just perfect
#3 Neira (Homepage) on 2009-09-07 11:02 (Reply)
Nicely done review! Very informative and to the point. This product sounds awesome!
#4 MizzJ (Homepage) on 2009-09-07 14:40 (Reply)
is it anything like the olay moisture threads (i forget the exact name of it... but its very creamy)? it was extremely moisturizing but definitely left you feeling greasy when you got out of the shower & left a residue on my skin. also, i like a body wash that can double as a shave cream. the olay one was horrible at that. really gross. does the dove one double in this capacity? i'd be so happy to hear bc i love dove! =)
#5 Steffanie on 2009-09-07 17:10 (Reply)
This moisturizer is definitely different then the others, you won't have any greasy feeling at all! I was amazed at how hydrated I was without feeling anything on my skin, it was really nice. I used this as a shave aid as well, and I liked the way it worked, granted my preferences may be different then yours, but its such a great product I would definitely recommend that you try it out!
#5.1 Kiki Bella on 2009-09-08 17:14 (Reply)
i agree with this review! i've been using dove for years; and it does work! I have sensitive skin that easily breaks out & dove is the only soap that i can use. I've been using this new product since January and it does wonders for my skin. Would recommend this product to everyone [especially if you have sensitive skin or are prone to eczema or psoriasis.]
#6 amw on 2009-09-07 20:06 (Reply)
yes, i have used many of dove products and they are all very good. leaves a very nice feeling after using, soft and gentle i would say
#7 pearl necklace (Homepage) on 2009-09-08 00:00 (Reply)
This sounds like a dream come true!I've basically been looking for something fullfilling the same criteria as you did, so this might just be it! Certainly have to check whether they also stock it over here in Germany.
Thanks for the review!
#8 Belle (Homepage) on 2009-09-08 01:44 (Reply)
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