The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

7 Turkey Friendly Tops

If you're scrambling to put together an outfit for today that's stylish yet allows you to breathe after you've ingested unholy amounts of turkey and pumpkin pie, here are 7 forgiving tops to give you some ideas. Your belly will thank you.

Lauren Conrad at ShopStyle

1. Dramatic sleeves on this dolman sweater make a big statement—and take the focus away from your not-so-small tummy. Lc Lauren Conrad Dolman Sweater, sale $28 at

Lauren Conrad at ShopStyle

2. This kimono top is the ultimate disguise for expanding waistlines with its distracting yet glamorous sleeves and low neckline. Lc Lauren Conrad Kimono Top, sale $33 at

Charlotte Russe at ShopStyle

3. Here's a casual top that's unique enough to garner compliments, yet generous enough through the midsection to ensure you can eat to your heart's content. Pleated Knit Top, $19.99 at

Charlotte Russe at ShopStyle

4. An empire waist plus ditsy floral print equals cute coverage. Ditsy Floral Blouse, $21.99 at

Charlotte Russe at ShopStyle

5. Nothing distracts the eye quite like flashing, glittery sequins! Wear it with flats, jeans and a cardi for the big family gathering, then slip into heels for clubbing later. Sequin A-Line Top, $21.99 at

Ann Taylor Loft at ShopStyle

6. A gorgeous ruffle-detail collar will draw eyes up, up and away from so-called "problem areas." Ruffle Front Top, $44.50 at

INC International Concepts at ShopStyle

7. A classic tunic top exudes elegance, not to mention it's ridiculously flattering on all figures! INC International Concepts Top, Embroidered Bell Sleeve Kurta, sale $44.25 at

hahahah this post is hilarious but so true! happy thanksgiving!
#1 nora on 2009-11-26 10:32 (Reply)
What a great post! So creative. I could have used it a few weeks ago for Canadian Thanksgiving ;-)
#2 Jo from Canada (Homepage) on 2009-11-26 10:58 (Reply)
I actually have that one from LC. Very cute top!
#3 Tracie on 2009-11-26 14:51 (Reply)
love the ones from charlotte russe! happy thanksgiving!
#4 fashion court (Homepage) on 2009-11-26 21:22 (Reply)
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!! Hope everyone had a wonderful, restful day :-)
#4.1 The Budget Babe on 2009-11-27 00:10 (Reply)
okay so i started a blog about small town fashion, so do you live in a small town and you feel like you cant pull off major looks like the big fashion capitals? your not alone :-)!
check it out!! and comment on a blog let me know what you think, i looove constructive criticism!
#5 smalltown chic (Homepage) on 2009-11-26 22:26 (Reply)
Happy Thanksgiving Day. All tops are good. I love the 5th one the most.
#6 Plus Size Strapless Bra (Homepage) on 2009-11-27 02:15 (Reply)
I wore a flowy top and elastic-waist leggings to TG dinner! ^__^ I'm really glad I did.
#7 Anusha (Homepage) on 2009-11-27 11:39 (Reply)
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