The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Deal du Jour: Metallic Stretch Ballet Flats

So the whole "metallic flat trend" may be waning, but we just picked up a pair of these Xhilaration Simone Stretch Ballet Flats in Silver on sale at our local Tar-zhay and dammit, we're going to wear them! Sure, they're synthetic, but they're cute as heck, surprisingly comfortable and look exactly like pricey designer pairs that cost way more. Plus, they come in a wide range of great colors, like pewter, bronze, black and gold. Who knows, depending on how these wear, we might just pick up another pair!

>> Simone Stretch Ballet Flats are available at for $14.99.

I'm addicted to stretch ballet flats! They are super comfortable and in my mind a fantastic alternative to flip flops for casual wear (flip flops on public transportation is especially crude!)
#1 Peaches on 2008-03-05 12:12 (Reply)
Couldn't agree more. There are some super cute stretch flats with floral cut-outs, too, this season that would be perfect for warm weather.
#1.1 The Budget Babe on 2008-03-07 00:25 (Reply)
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