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Girl on the Go: 5 Quick Fall Hairdos

Girl on the Go: 5 Less-Than-5-Minute Hair Styles

I'd love to have a creative new "look" every day, but I'm often in a hurry when I have early classes, work, and plan to see my friends when I have breaks. Blow-drying and curling or straightening my hair every morning can be damaging to my locks —and just plain tiring—so what's a girl to do? As one busy season comes to an end and another begins, here's some inspiration and tips for quick hairstyles that will carry you stylishly into Fall.

Headbands for get-out-the-door-quick hair

1. Chic headbands: Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters always have an assortment of patterned and colorful headbands that can go over your hair, pull together an outfit, and be your statement piece. These headbands are my trendy favorites!

Floral Patchwork Headwrap $14 / Praire Floral Headband $14

Get a girl-next-door braid

2. Girl-next-door braid: An effortless braid reminds me of a girl who loves her style and is okay with not spending a long time styling. The braid shows she is spending her time in movement and needs her hair pulled back in a girly, but confident way. This hairspray is my personal life-saver; I can always count on it to hold loose pieces together!

Luxxe Bands Set of 10 Hair Ties $16.99 / So Sexy Hairspray $14

The effortless ponytail

3. Primped Ponytail: This is my go-to hairstyle. I pull my hair back in a simple ponytail, divide it into three pieces and curl. I like to pull some wisps in front to make it less stiff as shown in the image. This pretty ponytail is perfect for girls on the go! The Revlon curler works wonders on my thick hair.

Revlon Perfect Heat 3/4" Hair Curling Iron $9.98 / Anthropologie Crystalline Hair Ties $24

Beanie trends for fall

4. Cozy Cap: On days when I'm not going to work or class and I want to take it easy, I throw on a stylish beanie and go about my day running errands or meeting friends. These colors remind me of leaves changing!

Prana Magpie Beanie $30 / Burton Bone Cobra Reversible Beanie $30

Half-up hairstyle

5. Half-up heroine: This look is more romantic and feminine. You simply pin back a piece of hair from one side, then one from the other side, and continue to pin back pieces alternating sides until you achieve the desired look. This hairstyle keeps your hair pulled back but remains loose and light. I love these artistic bobby pins!

Jane Tran Printed Bobby Pin Set $15 / Claire's Bobby Pin Set $6.50

Inspiration Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
$30 for a beanie is not "budget" in my budget. Wow. One for every day of the week? :o
#1 digamba on 2013-10-01 05:43 (Reply)
Beanies range in all different prices. I have found the best deals on beanies after they go on sale from a past season. Maybe try a local sports store for beanies on sale from last winter- you never know what you could find!!
#1.1 Kate WIlke on 2013-10-01 10:23 (Reply)
Love these! The anthro hair ties are both trendy and timeless. Who doesn't want a little bedazzle in their hair!
#2 Laney on 2013-10-01 11:42 (Reply)
Loving the's gorgeous!!! :-)

Effortless but cute.

Layla xx
#3 Layla (Homepage) on 2013-10-01 17:00 (Reply)
Love those hairstyles, they look so easy!
(: Anna
#4 Anna (Homepage) on 2013-10-02 03:35 (Reply)
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