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Avril Lavigne’s Abbey Dawn Line Hits Kohl's

Avril Lavigne's Abbey Dawn juniors sportswear line is now available at Kohl’s stores and online. In keeping with the sk8er chick's personal style, the collection includes rock ‘n’ roll printed T-shirts, plaid shorts with pocket chains, suspender tees, tiered mini skirts and hoodies. Weird how the fringe went so...mainstream, huh? Not my cuppa tea (I'm part of the Alanis Morissette generation), but for those interested, everything is priced at just $40 and under.

>> Shop Abbey Dawn at

Looks like the same old emo stuff to me!!!! I seriously doubt she "designed" anything, nothing is unique, and nothing is fashion forward, blech... gross
#1 Peaches on 2008-07-19 09:56 (Reply)
i'm with peaches - ugh.
so 20th century
#2 maggie z on 2008-07-20 14:58 (Reply)
this line makes fabulosity look classy.
"rock it?"
what's up with that?
we're not even talking miley fans here - we're talking toddlers.
#3 pirate jenny on 2008-07-21 09:03 (Reply)
Avril is SO beautiful and seems to have at least half a brain. I look forward to seeing her style evolve into something a little less frenzied.
#4 Sal (Homepage) on 2008-07-21 11:40 (Reply)
ugh!!! i thought pete wentz's fashion line was bad. :-P
#5 cathy (Homepage) on 2008-07-22 10:00 (Reply)
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