The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

New Site Spotlight:

Shop Jacys Review: Beauty bargains mostly from $2 - $7, nothing over $20!
One of my favorite things to shop for: Beauty products. One of my least favorite things to spend on: Beauty products. The cost of this stuff adds up faster than the pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. So, we are excited to share a new affordable beauty site with you called Shop Jacys. They sent me a few products to try and I’m passing them along with some quick thoughts!

This comes with three bath bombs in a package, and it is recommended on the label that you use two or even all three in your tub. You won’t be getting any sort of unicorn explosion in your bath water (aka Lush bath bombs) but the Rose scent is divine. They also come in Cherry Blossom and Chamomile.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m pretty lazy with makeup and don’t wear foundation a ton. But for the price this stuff wasn’t bad at all. It didn’t feel heavy or cakey on my skin which is the biggest deal-breaker for me. Nothing to rave about, but not a bad option at all! The Santee foundation comes in five shades to compliment an array of skin tones.

Maybe some people are pickier than I am with sponges, but I’ll take a one dollar sponge any day! It helped that this did not absorb too much makeup while doing it’s intended job of blending. Their site description gives a great tip on how to use the sponge properly, too!

This one was so fun for me because I’ve never even contemplated spending ridiculous amounts of money on a palate. Eye shadow is one of those “fun but not a necessity” items for me, so I think this $10 collection was made with ladies like me in mind! So many beautiful nude shades to play around with that blended really well and also weren’t a pain to take off at the end of the night. Within the collection there are matte, shimmer, and satin finishes to suit all your eyeshadow needs and desires!

This is my favorite product from the haul! Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me but I did notice the size of the pores in my forehead go down as I used this over the course of a couple weeks. It’s a super silky smooth formula that felt a lot more luxurious than $8 (and it’s now on sale!). Bonus points: this product is cruelty-free!

Paying for eyeliner always hurts me…$10+ for a pencil? UGH. But your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you – TWO dollars and if you’re a liquid liner gal, I suggest giving it a whirl. The black is super intense and I felt like it stayed well when I wore it. This is exactly what you need for those dramatic and/or winged lines on date night. And it’s waterproof and cruelty-free, too!

Shop Jacys is like a Budget Babe and simple gal's dream - tools and brushes, face masks, nail polish, you name it. Nothing is over $20, with most items being priced between $2.00 - $7.00.

They also have an entire section devoted to Korean Beauty products, which are super trendy right now. And, a lot of the beauty brands on the site are based in Los Angeles. We won't complain about the free shipping on orders over $20, either! Shop Jacys ships within 24 hours of receiving the order, and transit time takes between 2-3 days.

If you're interested in giving them a try, you can use our referral link to get 10% off your first order. Full disclosure: We'll receive a small commission on orders placed with our link. If you do give them a try, come back and let us know what you buy - and what you think in the comments!

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