The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

Off the Rack: Spring Clothes at Walmart 2019

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!
Ready or not, here come spring fashions! I was at Walmart on Monday and they were literally just putting these clothes out on the racks. To be honest, I'm not sure I'm ready to talk spring clothes just yet! The floral chiffon and short sleeves give me a chill. But let's take a look anyways.

Here are the highlights: Some adorable print wrap dresses (in juniors). Our favorite Time and Tru cardigans in new colors for spring. My favorite Time and Tru long sleeve henley in new spring colors (I grabbed the new floral print already!)

There's also a good looking Time and Tru shirtdress in solid or stripes, and new striped tops - always good!

In footwear, the Time and Tru slip-on sneakers are so good and under $15! My white sneakers from last summer are still going strong, very comfy and fit TTS.

There are also some adorable lightweight sweaters by Time and Tru with the words "Hello" and "Cheerful" that feel very J.Crew/Old Navy.

Now for the questionable: These dolman sleeve tops. I like the striped one but the florals are faded in a way that just looks like you washed them one too many times.

And this knot sleeve tee looks cute on the model but I'll have to wait and see how it looks on me.

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

Aren't these graphic sweaters adorable! Can't find these online yet.
This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

This blogger finds the cutest Walmart clothes!

Are you ready to shop for spring? Keep checking back as more items are added. I'm hoping to do a try-on soon, so stay tuned!

I wish the henley in the new spring colors was available online. If so, they'd already be in my closet!
#1 MichelleP on 2019-01-09 13:16 (Reply)
I love these posts and can’t wait for the try-on. I don’t get a lot out of so 8 don’t read the celeb “how to get the look for less.” Less of those, more of these types of posts. Thanks!
#2 Mary on 2019-01-09 21:47 (Reply)
Thank you for the feedback, Mary!
#2.1 The Budget Babe on 2019-01-10 07:41 (Reply)
Agreed! I love your Walmart posts.
#3 Sarah on 2019-01-10 07:19 (Reply)
Thank you! I'll do my best to do more of these.
#3.1 The Budget Babe on 2019-01-10 07:41 (Reply)
give me celebrities!
#4 chacha on 2019-01-12 11:31 (Reply)
Oh thank goodness! I appreciate the feedback, chacha! :-)
#4.1 The Budget Babe on 2019-01-14 07:25 (Reply)
I just got some of the thin striped, tunic looking tops yesterday. It's nice because they're suuuuuper soft and long enough to cover part of my behind so I can wear leggings with them more easily.

I'm always tempted by walmart shoes but have had bad experiences in the past. Am wondering if the time & tru brand is more comfy than past brands?
#5 Amy on 2019-01-14 14:39 (Reply)
Yes those tops are really nice! Remind me of my BP ones from Nordstrom.

I have a couple pairs of Time and Tru shoes and they are very comfy, the quality is similar to Old Navy shoes.
#5.1 The Budget Babe on 2019-01-16 08:35 (Reply)
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