The Budget Babe | Affordable Fashion & Style Blog

A Week's Worth of Winter Outfits with Walmart

This post is sponsored by Walmart.

Walmart winter fall outfit ideas!
I'm back with another week's worth of Walmart outfits...because in between the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we still need to get dressed!

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It's no secret that I'm a big Walmart fan. I don't have to wait for a sale, and the quality is consistently great. Plus when you shop online, orders of $35 or more ship free, with easy, free returns.

Right now I'm especially loving these cozy shackets (they're actually soft!), Time and Tru denim (for when I'm not wearing leggings or joggers...) and Free Assembly sweaterdresses (my kind of dressing up!).

Also don't miss these $19 plaid pants, perfect for the office and holiday parties! Pair with black or tan accents for a classic, modern look.

Hope you enjoy the outfits and find something you like. I know we're all busy getting gifts, don't forget to treat yourself, too!

Walmart winter fall outfit ideas!

Walmart winter fall outfit ideas!

Cozy walmart pajamas, so cute and affordable!

Cozy sweaterdress and tall boots at Walmart

Plaid pants outfit idea for holidays, Christmas, all at Walmart! (AD)

Walmart athletic fitness workout outfit idea (AD)

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